nightmarish adj.惡夢[夢魘]似的。
adj. 惡夢[夢魘]似的。 “a nightmarish day“ 中文翻譯: 噩夢般的一天“nightmark“ 中文翻譯: 夜標“nightmares, nightmare disorder“ 中文翻譯: 夢魘“nightmute“ 中文翻譯: 奈特繆特“nightmares in precinct 7“ 中文翻譯: 7號差館“nightowl“ 中文翻譯: 夜鷹“nightmares and dreamscapes part06“ 中文翻譯: 夢魘幻景錄“nightpiece“ 中文翻譯: 夢魘“nightmares and dreamscapes part01“ 中文翻譯: 夢魘幻景錄“nightrain“ 中文翻譯: 夜雨“nightmares and dreamscapes“ 中文翻譯: 夢魘幻景
nightrider |
Further , shortly after the handover , the government has actively sought to negotiate with the chinese authorities on double taxation and succeeded in completing specific arrangements on favourable terms , providing a relief form the nightmarish situation that has been bothering those in china trade for years . all these positive measures are good news the accounting profession has been looking forward to for a long time 在過渡期后,采積極態度,以驚人速度,優厚條件,在雙重課稅問題上,與內地作出了具體安排,解除了困擾中港商人多年的夢魘,這些進取措施,更是會計業界期待已久的佳音。 |
And , yes , a bolder friend of america might have publicly pushed for donald rumsfeld to have been removed , for the nightmarish guant namo bay to be closed , for george bush to have tried harder to create a palestinian state 作為美國的朋友,布萊爾先生應該更直率,他或許應該公開的對下列事務發揮作用,解除拉姆斯菲爾德的職務,關閉讓人不寒而栗的關塔那摩監獄,敦促喬治布什更努力地促進巴勒斯坦政府的建立等等。 |
Thus , you have a generation whose childhood was spent in a peaceful time , whose adolescence was spent during a time of unease and unrest , and whose young adulthood was nightmarish ( perhaps paralleled by the young adult experiences of the greatest generation ) 因此,我們就有了一代人,他們有著和平的童年時光,不安與動蕩的少年時期,噩夢般的青年時代(可能還和最偉大一代的較年輕者同時期) 。 |
At the end of “ spirited away ” , hayao miyazaki ' s animated masterpiece , ten - year - old chihiro uses her wits and her courage to escape from a nightmarish world of ogres and witches 在宮崎駿的卡通名著《神隱少女》 (又名《千與千尋》 )中,故事的結尾十歲的小姑娘千與千尋憑借著她的智慧和勇氣逃出了那個充斥著惡魔和巫婆的噩夢般的世界。 |
During the conference , i had a nightmarish thought : creationists could have a field day yanking quotes out of context while listening to a room full of evolutionary biologists arguing over specific issues 會議期間,我有了個惡夢般的想法:當創造論者聽見滿室演化生物學家爭論某些特定議題時,斷章取義地引用將讓他們欣喜萬分。 |
And beyond the economic costs , nightmarish train journeys and the frustration of sitting in traffic jams damage the quality of people ' s lives in ways that are not picked up in gdp figures 更為嚴重的并非經濟損失,而是噩夢般的乘車經歷以及身陷塞車泥沼時的挫敗感已經損害到人們的生活質量,這些是無法通過gdp值表現出來的。 |
A deafening noise of industrial washers and presses . andy works the laundry line . a nightmarish job . he ‘ s new at it . bob , the con foreman , elbows him aside and shows him how it ‘ s done 工業用洗滌機和熨燙機發出震耳欲聾的噪音。安迪工作在流水線上,一份極糟的工作,他是新手。鮑勃,犯人頭,把他擠到一邊,給他做示范。 |
Chien - ming wang didn ' t have his best stuff , and the yankees made two key defensive blunders , but a breakout offensive game allowed torre ' s team to end a nightmarish road trip with a moral victory 阿民沒有表現出自己最好狀態的控球,而洋基也出現2次關鍵防守失誤,但最后鉆石打線發亮,反超前金鶯,讓總教練結束夢魘客場之旅 |
A meek inn owner discovers a suitcase floating down a stream and triggers a nightmarish chain of events involving his nagging wife and a strange guest couple 一位溫柔的客棧老板發現一個行李箱漂浮下來,由此掀起了一場噩夢般的連鎖事件,甚至牽連到他惱人的妻子和一對陌生的顧客夫婦。 |
It is an urban legend - a videotape filled with nightmarish images , leading to a phone call foretelling the viewer ' s death in exactly seven days 故事源自一卷恐怖錄像帶,有一個傳言:一卷充滿夢魘般詭異影像的錄影帶,當你看了就會接到一電話,告知你在整整七天之后就會死去。 |
In the mid 1970 ? s , a young girl ? s family must endure a nightmarish life in her native country of cambodia under the domination of the brutal khmer rouge regime 根據真人真事改編而成的電視電影,描寫高棉難民葉太太帶著六個小孩移民美國的遭遇。 |
“ in nightmarish proportions , a common bedbug appears poised for a blood meal , compliments of a human host 就像是場惡夢,一只普通的臭蟲正蓄勢待發,準備從人類身上飽嘗血液大餐。 |
We have seen first hand our friends and loved ones consumed by the nightmarish zerg 我們看到了莫逆之交的朋友和摯愛之人在惡夢般的蟲族手中喪生。 |
That gives you an idea of the often nightmarish traffic drivers face around here 這讓您想起大橋周圍司機們因堵車而煩躁不安的面孔。 |
Terrorized by all sorts of nightmarish creatures 充滿各種惡夢般的生物 |
The essential ingredient is a nightmarish sense of bewildered helplessness against a vast sinister, impersonal bureaucracy . 主要成分是一種面對龐大的,陰險的、非人格化的官僚機構而產生的使人迷惘的、無依無靠的夢魘般的感受。 |
It is made all the more nightmarish by the measured deliberation with which it is unfolded . 由于他精心構思情節,反倒有夢魘般的魔力。 |