
nightjar 【鳥類】歐夜鷹。


All teams will design their own route , which usually covers the birdwatching hotspots such as long valley , tsim bei tsui and tai po kau . teams will also employ different skills such as hearing the owls or nightjar churring during mid - night to record bird species . participating teams include junior police call team and baptist wing lung secondary school team formed by young birdwatchers 比賽當日,各隊伍將自行定出觀鳥路線,前往本地的觀鳥熱門地點如?原尖鼻嘴及大埔? ,運用各種觀鳥技巧,日間找尋雀蹤,晚上細聽鳥鳴,務求在24小時內記錄到最多品種取勝。

Teams will also employ different skills such as hearing the owls or nightjar churring during mid - night to record bird species 他們也會在賽事中運用不同技術,如在深宵聆聽貓頭鷹和歐夜鷹的鳴叫聲等來尋找鳥類。

2 a nightjar in deep - leaved shadow called three long notes , and hushed 一只歐夜鷹在密密的樹葉間發出三聲長啼,旋即靜默無聲。