
nightie n.〔口語〕小睡衣。


As development of chinese stock market . chinese listed corporate obviously prefer to chose stock - right financing , especially after the nighties “ later . chinese listed corporate behaxior of preferring stock - right financing not only violates corporate “ financing theory and practices , but also reduce the efficiency of capital utilization and make a lot of corporate finance in stock market 隨著我國股市的發展,尤其是20世紀90年代后期以來,我國上市公司的融資行為選擇明顯地呈現出偏好股權融資的傾向,配股和增發新股成為我國上市公司籌集外部資金的主要融資方式。

She had four dinky sets , with awfully pretty stitchery , three garments and nighties extra , and each set slotted with different coloured ribbons , rosepink , pale blue , mauve and peagreen and she aired them herself and blued them when they came home from the wash and ironed them and she had a brickbat to keep the iron on because she wouldn t trust those washerwomen as far as she d see them scorching the things 凡是曉得甜蜜的十七歲格蒂已經同十七歲永遠告別了那種怔忡不安的熱望和恐懼的人,難道忍心去責備她嗎,她有四套繡得非常精致的出門穿的衣服,三件家常穿的,另外還有幾件睡衣。每套出門穿的衣服都分別綴著各色緞帶:有玫瑰色淡藍色紫紅色和豆青色的。每穿一次,她總是親自晾曬。

In addition , furniture , like sized bed and wardrobe , perfume lamp , nighties , soft - colored curtain even snow - white beddings , everything ornamented is full of romance or warmth you can only feel at home 此外,考究的家居用品,大床、大衣柜、精油香蕈燈、香囊睡袍、色澤柔和的綢質窗簾以及雪白如新的棉柔臥具等等,無不在細處點滴留情,透出只屬于家的那份溫馨感覺。

With the wide application of liquefied petroleum gas ( lpg ) in cities , lpg bottle manufacture industry developed very fast from the early eighties to the end of nighties 二十世紀八十年代初到九十年代末,隨著城市液化石油氣使用的不斷普及,液化石油氣鋼瓶(以下簡稱鋼瓶)制造業得到了快速發展。

I , clad in a cool summer nightie , and grampy , his sleeveless t - shirt , sat watching the traffic 我穿著涼爽的小睡衣,祖父穿著他的無袖t恤,坐在那兒觀看繁忙的交通。

( nanny mcphee ) a bit big for this nightie , aren ' t you , sweetheart ? we ' ll have a new one made 今天晚上不太尋常,對嗎,親愛的?我們將會有一位新成員

Nanny mcphee ) a bit big for this nightie , aren ' t you , sweetheart ? we ' ll have a new one made 今天晚上不太尋常,對嗎,親愛的?我們將會有一位新成員

Nanny mcphee a bit big for this nightie , aren ' t you , sweetheart ? we ' ll have a new one made 今天晚上不太尋常,對嗎,親愛的?我們將會有一位新成員

Well , it was like a nightie - 喔,有點像睡衣

A woman opens the door in her nightie 一個女人穿著睡衣打開了門

Have i lost my nightie altogether “難道我把睡衣都失去了么? ”

She buy a black nightie to wear on her honeymoon 她買了一件黑色睡衣準備在蜜月時穿。