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night terror (小孩的)夜哭。

night town

Nightmares and night terrors may occur . bedtime rituals ( regular bedtimes , baths , snacks , quiet actiity , bedtime reading , faorite stuffed animal or blanket ) are helpful to ease insecurity and relax the toddler 有時會出現小兒夜(夢)驚癥。有助于消除小兒恐懼感和身心放松的一些睡眠習慣包括:固定的睡眠時間、睡前淋浴、吃點小零食、安撫、讀故事書、讓他/她伴著自己最心愛的洋娃娃或是毛毯入睡。

A sleep diary compiled over several nights may help identify unusual sleep patterns and sleep disorders ( eg , sleepwalking , night terrors ) 幾個晚上的睡眠日記可以幫助確認異常睡眠形態和睡眠障礙(夢游、夜驚等) 。

During a night terror , which may last anywhere from a few minutes up to an hour , the child is still asleep 夜驚可能持續幾分鐘至一小時,發作時小孩仍處于睡眼中。

A young girl has a tortured night terror about growing up , learning , and reciting the alphabet 一個女孩夜里很痛苦,她害怕長大,害怕學習背誦字母表。

Night terrors can be a frightening phenomenon of childhood but they are not dangerous 夜驚是童年期的一種可怕現象,但并無危險。

About these night terrors 關于這些惡夢

Lieber : about these night terrors 關于這些惡夢

He had another night terror last night 他昨晚又做了惡夢

You know , the doctors call it night terrors 醫生把它叫作黑夜恐怖癥

- these night terrors - if that ' s what they are -這些惡夢-如果是指這些

- he seems to have night terrors . - night terrors -他好像在做惡夢-惡夢

He seems to have night terrors . - night terrors 他好像在做惡夢-惡夢

These night terrors - - - if that ' s what they are 這些惡夢-如果是指這些

These night terrors - - if that ' s what they are -這些夜晚恐懼癥. -如果只是這樣