nigh adv.,adj.(nigher; nighest, n...
adv.,adj. (nigher; nighest, next), , 〔古,詩、方〕=near. “nigh on“ 中文翻譯: 接近地“draw nigh“ 中文翻譯: 接近“far and nigh“ 中文翻譯: 遠近, 到處, 四面八方“moon nigh cutter“ 中文翻譯: 月夜斬“nigh-vison googles“ 中文翻譯: 夜視護目鏡“when justice threatens nigh“ 中文翻譯: 在審判臨近的時候“niggmann“ 中文翻譯: 尼格曼“nigglivalue“ 中文翻譯: 尼格理值“nighasan“ 中文翻譯: 尼卡森“niggling“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.為小事操心的。 2.麻煩的。 3.(工作等)難辦的;(字等)潦草難認的。 n. 麻煩事。 petty niggling 打小算盤。 “night“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.夜,夜間;夜晚 (opp. day)。 2.黃昏;黑夜;黑暗。 3.蒙昧時代;失意時代。 4. 盲目,瞎;死。 5.夜晚的活動〔如晚會等〕。 last night 昨晚。 the night before last 前天的晚上。 a dirty night 下雨的夜晚,暴風雨之夜。 N- falls. 天黑了。 Good night! (用于晚上分別時)晚安!再見! He closed his eyes in endless night. 他的眼睛永遠瞎了。 They are wrapped in the night of ignorance [barbarism]. 他們完全蒙昧無知。 all night (long)=all the night through 整夜。 as black [dark] as night 昏黑,漆黑。 at [in the] dead of night 在深更半夜。 at night 在夜里,在黃昏時候;晚上〔下午六時至午夜的時間〕。 at nights 在夜里經常…。 by night 在夜間;趁黑夜。 far into the night 至深夜。 go forth into the night 走到黑暗處。 have [pass] a good [bad] night 睡得好[睡得不好]。 have a [the] night out [off] 在外頭玩一晚上;一個晚上不上班。 in the night 在夜間。 keep [last] over night 保持[繼續]到早上。 late at night 在深夜,在深更半夜。 make a night of it 通宵宴樂;玩到天亮。 night about 隔夜。 night after =night by night 每夜,連夜。 night and day 日夜,日夜不停地,老是。 o'nights (=of nights, on nights) 〔口、方〕=by night , at night (I cannot sleep o'nights for thinking of that. 為了擔心那件事我晚上總睡不著)。 one's night out (仆人等)可以出去玩的一晚,過節的晚上,慶祝之夜。 put up for the night 投宿。 spend the night with 在…的家里過夜。 stay (three) nights with 在…家住了(三)晚上。 turn night into day 拿夜晚當白天。 under cover of night 趁夜,趁黑。 “niggliite“ 中文翻譯: 碲鉑礦“night aand day periscope“ 中文翻譯: 晝夜兩用潛望鏡“niggli value“ 中文翻譯: 尼格理值
night |
Why , jest think - there s thous n s and thous n s that ain t nigh so well off 啊,你只要好生想一想,世上趕不上她們的,還有成千上萬個人呢。 |
They were ashore nigh on a week , and us standing off and on in the old walrus 他們在岸上停留了有一個星期光景,我們這些人呆在老瓦魯斯號上。 |
And if you ve got holsters to that saddle o yourn , don t let me see your hand go nigh em 你那馬鞍上若是有槍套,可別讓我看見你的手靠近它。 |
Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him ; that glory may dwell in our land 他的救恩的確臨近敬畏他的人,使他的榮耀住在我們的地上。 |
But as for me , my feet were almost gone ; my steps had well nigh slipped 至于我,我的腳幾乎滑跌,我( “我”原文作“我的腳步” )險些跌倒。 |
And came and preached peace to you which were afar off , and to them that were nigh 17并且來傳和平的福音給你們遠處的人,也給那近處的人。 |
Suitable for all kinds of entertainment place , such as disco , bar , nigh club , opera house 適用各類娛樂場所,如的士高,酒吧,夜總會,劇場 |
They are nigh impossible to visualize , but luckily not that hard to use 他們幾乎是不可能設想的,但僥幸的是其沒有那么難使用。 |
The time is drawn nigh 時間已近。 |
There shall no evil befall thee , neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling 10禍患必不臨到你,災害也不挨近你的帳棚。 |
The atmosphere moderates daytime temperature and retards nigh heat loss 大氣層能緩和白天氣溫的上升和阻止夜間熱量的損耗。 |
Draw nigh unto my soul , and redeem it : deliver me because of mine enemies 18求你親近我,救贖我。求你因我的仇敵把我贖回。 |
But as for me , my feet were almost gone ; my steps had well nigh slipped 詩73 : 2至于我、我的腳幾乎失閃我的腳險些滑跌。 |
0they draw nigh that follow after mischief : they are far from thy law 詩119 : 150追求奸惡的人臨近了他們遠離你的律法。 |
Then she set it forth all to him that time was had lived nigh that house 伊遂將經過情況向曾在此間居住之男子和盤托出。 |
Quills in the postoffice chewed and twisted . bald pat at a sign drew nigh 郵政局里的鵝毛筆不是給嚼癟了,就是弄彎了。 |
But as for me , my feet were almost gone ; my steps had well nigh slipped 2至于我,我的腳幾乎失閃。我的腳險些滑跌。 |
Our salvation is nigh 我們的解救就在前方! |
Ive heard of one , supposed to be very fast , nigh un - catchable . . 我有聽說過一艘,開的飛快的從來沒有被追上過的. . |