
nicosia n.尼科西亞〔塞浦路斯首都〕。


The research on consumer buying behavior model has already been mature because of the creation and the application of the several classical models such as nicosia model , the howard - sheth model and the ebk model 我們對消費者購買行為模式的研究已經基本成熟,諸如尼考西亞模式、霍華德?謝斯模式和ebk模式等經典模式的提出和應用。

From 79 countries and regions gathered in the pageant in nicosia , the capital of cyprus , they will be on may 12 for the 49th session of the “ miss universe “ titles 來自世界79個國家和地區的佳麗近日匯聚塞浦路斯首都尼科西亞,她們將在5月12日爭奪第49屆“環球小姐”大賽桂冠。

“ this discovery is the first tangible proof of commerce in the recycling of ancient bronzes , “ asserts francesco nicosia , archaeological superintendent of tuscany “這一發現是證實古代青銅被循環使用這一商業行為的確鑿證據, ”圖斯卡尼的考古負責人弗朗斯科?尼克希亞斷言道。

Christofidou , e . “ the development of nicosia , capital of cyprus . “ 1985 尼古西亞(賽普勒斯首都)的發展, 1985 。