
nicholson n.尼科爾森〔姓氏〕。


Through faith we can begin to see that as humans we become emotionally healthy persons when we learn to accept ourselves and believe in ourselves . jim nicholson is a fraternity brother of mine in the horatio alger association . nicholson has just been appointed ambassador to rome by the president of the united states 我的家很貧窮,但他的家比我還要窮,因為我爸爸是個好工人,而他爸爸是個酗酒的人在這些農地上有很多空置的房子讓那些剛移居這兒的人能有棲身的地方,他就是在那兒成長。

An extended hyperbolic mild - slope equation , which can take such terms as wind input , bottom friction and nonlinearity of wave into account , here has been deduced into a parabolic one in the form of a series of governing equations described with complex amplitude . it became a complete wave model when integrated with corresponding physical and imaginary ( open ) boundaries , and can be solved through the improved crank - nicholson or the well known alternating direction implicit ( adi ) difference method , both of which can accelerate the convergent speed , expand limitation of the mathematical method and improve the quality of the solution 本文基于綜合考慮底摩阻、風能輸入及非線性影響的推廣雙曲型緩坡方程,將其進行轉換,產生一個演變方程,其復振幅控制方程為拋物線性,并采用adi差分格式、改進的crank - nicholson格式及相應的物理和虛擬(開)邊界條件進行求解,以提高數值模擬的適用性、數值計算的穩定性、收斂速度及精度。

The apparent drop in choline levels was much greater than could be accounted for by a relative lack of food , so dr nicholson suspects that the restricted diet was also causing the composition of the dogs ' gut flora to change in a way that did not favour choline - munching bugs 膽堿級別的明顯下降幅度比靠相對食物節制導致的幅度大得多,因此尼古爾遜博士就懷疑強制節食同樣也會導致狗體內內臟細菌群族的活動方式的改變,這樣那些嚼食膽堿的細菌蟲就失去了立足之地

Also making waves at the pre - show rehearsals was leonardo dicaprio , who filmed himself onstage with a video camera as he practiced his presentation speech . clint eastwood , gwyneth paltrow , ben affleck , reese witherspoon , jack nicholson , jennifer lopez , tom hanks were also among the big names in rehearsals 在彩排儀式上玩了點小花樣的明星還有萊昂納多迪卡普里奧,他在臺上練習獲獎發言時,帶來一臺攝像機進行自拍。

Also making waves at the pre - show rehearsals was leonardo dicaprio , who filmed himself onstage with a video camera as he practiced his clint eastwood , gwyneth paltrow , ben affleck , reese witherspoon , jack nicholson , jennifer lopez , tom hanks were also among the big names in rehearsals 在彩排儀式上玩了點小花樣的明星還有萊昂納多迪卡普里奧,他在臺上練習獲獎發言時,帶來一臺攝像機進行自拍。

And continues to work in cabaret with her solo act a tribute to margot fonteyn currently she is collaborating with john nicholson of peepolykus in creating a solo show in which she will perform 最近,她和peepolykus和rhinocerus一起進行巡演,并繼續在她自己的單人劇atributetomargotfonteyn中進行歌舞表演。近期,她與peepolykus的john nicholson合作創作一個由她自己表演的單人劇。

A home . but around those iowa farms , there were some abandoned shacks that were empty because they were used for migrant workers who came only in harvest time . that s where jim nicholson was born and raised 沒問題,我認識很多貧民,他們有黑人,也有白人,有說英語的,也有說西班牙語,和很多不同語言的人,告訴我為甚么這么低微的人能成為最頂尖的人吧。

By analysing the metabolite variations in rats that had suffered a strong toxic reaction to the drug , compared to those that were unaffected , nicholson was able to draw up a risk profile for rats 通過比較分析由于藥物而備受煎熬的老鼠和未受藥物影響的老鼠他們所分泌的代謝物變化,尼科爾森能大致為這些老鼠做一個風險因素藍圖。

Nicholson , the living symbol of the lakers , was chatting it up with some friends . in walks clippers owner donald sterling , long considered the town ' s symbol of basketball futility 尼科爾森,湖人隊的解說員,聊到一些朋友。在說到快船隊老板唐納德時,就改城市籃球的象征做了一個長篇探討。

Worn down and out of luck , aging publisher will randall ( jack nicholson ) is at the end of his rope when a younger co - worker snatches both his job and wife out from under his nose 在一個風雪的晚上,韋頓無意間把公路上的動物撞倒,也發現血跡,欲前往看個究竟,不料被野狼咬傷。

The two men shook hands . nicholson offered his congratulations . sterling smiled in appreciation . for clippers fans , that may have been as good as it gets 兩個人握手,尼科爾森提供賀詞,唐納德歡笑的前來迎接。以一個快船隊的球迷來看的話,那是個非常好的現象。

In announcing the plan , va secretary jim nicholson noted that the department “ is a nationally recognized leader in health care 在公布此檢查計劃的同事,復員軍人理事秘書吉米尼科爾森表示,復員軍人醫療部門是國家公認的健康護理機構。

Decorated vietnam war veteran and former colorado developer jim nicholson says he ' s resigning as chief of veterans affairs 一名越戰的受勛退伍軍人和前科羅拉多開發者(什么開發者)吉姆尼科爾森表示,他會辭去退伍軍人事務部主席的職位。

Harry sanborn jack nicholson is a perennial playboy with a libido much younger than his years . during what was to have been a romantic weekend with 一次,他與新歡瑪蓮阿曼達彼堤飾在她母親的海灘大屋歡渡浪漫周末時,夏里突然心

Nicholson was the official who was forced to explain how personal data of millions of veterans and active service members were stolen 尼科爾森曾經被逼(怎么這么可憐的哈)解釋為何數以百萬的退伍軍人和在役士兵的資料被盜取。

Decorated vietnam war veteran and former colorado developer jim nicholson says he ' s resigning as chief of veterans affairs 作為授勛的越戰老兵和科羅拉多州的前房地產開發商,尼科爾森宣布他將辭去退伍軍人人事部主席一職。

Decorated vietnam war veteran and former colorado developer jim nicholson says he ' s resigning as chief of veterans affairs 作為越戰退伍老兵和前克羅拉多房地產開發商,吉姆尼克爾森說他將辭去退伍軍人事務主管的職務。

Nicholson was the official who was forced to explain how personal data of millions of veterans and active service members were stolen 上百萬的退伍與現役軍人的個人資料被盜,要求尼科爾森對此作出解釋。

Nicholson was the official who was forced to explain how personal data of millions of veterans and active service members were stolen 尼克爾森被迫要求解釋百萬退伍軍人和現役成員的數據是如何丟失的。