newsboy 報童,送報人。
報童,送報人。 “newsbreak“ 中文翻譯: 隨心看; 有報導價值的事件; 有價值事件; 有新聞價值的事件“newsboard“ 中文翻譯: 布告牌“newscape“ 中文翻譯: 新聞迅集“newsbeat“ 中文翻譯: 負責采訪區域; 記者采訪地區“newscast“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕新聞廣播。 “newsbar“ 中文翻譯: 中國廣告網“newscaster“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕新聞廣播員。 “newsback“ 中文翻譯: 新聞紙廢紙漿芯層“newscasting“ 中文翻譯: 〔美國〕新聞廣播。 “newsam“ 中文翻譯: 紐塞姆
newscast |
And so he dragged himself to the enquirer alley , sick in body and soul , but learning the long patience , to confront his eternal enemy , cheese - face , who was just as sick as he , and just a bit willing to quit if it were not for the gang of newsboys that looked on and made pride painful and necessary 他就像這樣忍受著肉體和靈魂的痛苦,掙扎著去到探詢者胡同,去學忍受,去面對他那永恒的敵人干酪臉。那孩子也跟他一樣痛苦,若不是有那群報童看熱鬧非得保全那痛苦的面子不可,他也有點不想打了。 |
The mathematics model of newsboy problem with time - based parameter is given , and through analyzing model and numerical instance , it shows , with contrast of traditional newsboy problem that time factor is not taken into account , the former can increase the income of the dealer 建立了正態分布下時變參數的報童問題的數學模型,通過模型的求解和數值分析,結果顯示,與傳統的不考慮時間因素的報童模型相比,前者能夠增加零售商的收益。 |
This paper extends traditional newsboy model with time - based wholesale price and time - based forecasting precision under normally distributed market demanding , discusses the optimal decision about ordering timing and ordering quantity 本文擴展了傳統的報童模型,以批發價和需求預測精度隨時間變化的報童問題為對象,研究市場需求函數為正態分布的報童模型關于最佳訂貨時點和最優訂貨量的決策問題。 |
In this paper , we develop a single - product and single - period model ( a newsboy model ) with bayesian approach to study how the decision - maker in a seasonal goods production system to determine the production quantity and budget invested in demand forecasting 本文經由模型推導,探討使用貝氏估計法之單期季節性商品生?系統(報童問題)應如何訂定生?計劃及需求預測投資預算。 |
Yes , he said . i see them . - mr bloom , breathless , caught in a whirl of wild newsboys near the offices of the irish catholic and dublin penny journal , called 在愛爾蘭天主教報和都柏林小報242的公事房附近,布盧姆先生被卷進粗野的報童們的旋渦里,氣兒都透不過來了。 |
Both smiled over the crossblind at the file of capering newsboys in mr bloom s wake , the last zigzagging white on the breeze a mocking kite , a tail of white bowknots 最后一個少年在和風中放著一只尾巴由一串白色蝴蝶結組成的風箏,像是嘲弄一般在東倒西歪地擺來擺去。 |
O molloy slapped the heavy pages over . the noise of two shrill voices , a mouthorgan , echoed in the bare hallway from the newsboys squatted on the doorsteps 兩個蹲在大門外臺階上的報童發出的尖聲喊叫和一只口琴吹奏出的音響,在空洞洞的過道里回蕩著: |
Then , we compare our model with the newsboy model , and prove that the profit and sever level can be improved by using the substitution policy 然后,將本模型與報童模型進行比較,證明采用替代策略可以提高銷售商的收益及服務水平。 |
A bevy of scampering newsboys rushed down the steps , scampering in all directions , yelling , their white papers fluttering 一群報童連蹦帶跳地沖下臺階,吆喝著朝四面八方散去,呼扇呼扇地揮著白色報紙。 |
Bits include lou ? s mirage sightings , one a new york newsboy ( “ they gave me a bad corner “ ) 這是一部普通的兩傻滑稽片,只有其中兩傻產生海市蜃樓式幻想的一段較具有可看性。 |
Screams of newsboys barefoot in the hall rushed near and the door was flung open . - hush , lenehan said 打赤腳沿著過道跑來的報童的尖叫聲忽然挨近了,門猛地被推開。 |
Waiting for the racing special , sir , the newsboy said . it was pat farrel shoved me , sir “我們在等賽馬特輯哪,先生, ”報童說, “帕特法雷爾猛推了我一把,先生。 ” |
One day , ( i ) saw two teenager newsboys squatting on their heels and playing together at the bus stop 一天,在電車站上,見兩個十來歲的小報童蹲在地上玩耍。 |
Crawford will follow . another newsboy shot past them , yelling as he ran 另一個報童一個箭步從他們身旁躥了過去,邊跑邊吆喝著: |
Or one of her newsboy caps 也許是借報童帽 |
Fuzzy chance - constrained programming model for reordering newsboy problem 可追加訂購報童問題的模糊機會約束規劃模型 |
The newsboys stop press edition 報童們最新消息。 |
Newsboys will be found barking their wares on the front steps 將會發現報童們在前面的臺階上高聲叫賣報紙。 |
Walk after him now make him awkward like those newsboys me today 有份閑職。就像今天報童尾隨著我那樣。 |