
newly adv.1.〔表示時間〕新近,最近。2.〔表示頻率〕重新...

newly wed

The newly - built building is our office building 這座新建的大樓是我們的辦公樓。

Shanghai baomi industry co . , ltd newly - built plant 上海寶米實業有限公司新建廠房

Newly research to luxun ' s early view on nietzsche ' s theory 魯迅早期的尼采觀新探

In general patton the commander of the newly formed u.s third army, the americans had found a tank general with the dash and flair of rommel in african . 在新成立的美國第三集團軍司令巴頓將軍身上,美國人找到了一個坦克將軍,與非洲的隆美爾一樣驍勇善戰。

These newly raised troops just as well complete their training in ulster as at home, and would at the same time become a strategic factor . 這些新招募的軍隊可以正如在美國國內一樣在厄爾斯特完成他們的訓練,而同時成為一個戰略上的因素。

I crossed the narrow street between the white house and the old executive office building to brief journalists on the newly concluded vietnam agreement . 我穿過了白宮與舊行政辦公大樓之間的狹窄街道,就新簽署的越南協議向記者吹風。

The negro, on the other hand, is just emerging, and is still a little afraid of the consequences of his newly acquired raceconsciousness . 而黑人剛剛嶄露頭角,對他們剛剛獲得的種族覺悟所產生的后果仍然懷著膽怯的心理。

Has my newly acquired privilege as one of god's ministers imparted to me as yet any fitness for the wonderful work of a preacher ? 我作為一個牧師新取得了特權,這是不是就授予我適合擔任一個傳道師的出色工作的資格呢?

A strong counter-emotion waxed in him, urging him, warning him to leave this newly seen and newly felt thing alone . 一股強烈的抵觸情緒在他內心中增長,催促著他,警告他把這新看到的,新感覺到的東西撂在一邊。

The scout ruminated, like a man digesting his newly acquired knowledge, and once more stole a curious glance at the two horses . 偵察員沉思著,仿佛在消化新學到的知識,一面又好奇地朝那兩匹馬悄悄看了一眼。

Its basic concepts and its very approach to the solution of both old and newly formulated problems have undergone profound transformations . 但其基本概念和解決各種新老問題的實際途徑卻經歷了深刻演變。

Egg-bore diseases are those which are transmitted from the infected dam to the newly hatched offspring by means of the fertile egg . 凡能從感染母雞通過受精蛋傳給所孵出后代的疾病,稱為蛋媒疾病。

Physicians have used newly discovered organic chemicals successfully to treat malaria, typhoid, dysentery, rheumatoid arthritis . 醫生們采用新發現的有機藥物治療瘧疾、傷寒、赤痢、風濕性關節炎。

A government notice of a rise in interest rates caused one bank's newly created advertising campaign to be shelved recently . 政府宣布提高利率會導致銀行新實施的一項創造性廣告立即被擱置起來。

Wherever possible, newly arrived american personnel were taken on a short tour through britain's bombed areas . 只要可能,新到的美國人員,概予以一短期旅行經越英國的被炸地區。

The confirmation service followed the mass when it was over, the congregation thronged about the newly confirmed . 彌撒過后舉行堅信禮,堅信禮一完,人們便簇擁到新的信徒周圍。

In addition to jem's newly developed characteristics, he had acquired a maddening air of wisdom . 杰姆身上除了最近出現的怪脾氣外,還添上了一副叫人受不了的自作聰明的派頭。

The question arose whether the foreign representatives should call on the newly arrived vice president . 接著發生了一個問題,那就是外國使節該不該拜會這位新來的副總統。

When the newly married pair came home, the first person who appeared to offer his congratulations was sydney carton . 新婚夫婦回家之后,首先來慶賀的是西得尼卡爾登。