
newfoundland n.1.紐芬蘭(島)〔加拿大東部〕。2.紐芬蘭犬。


The winners may have the chance to compete the international underwater robot challenge , which will be held at the marine institute and the institute for ocean technology , memorial university , newfoundland , canada , in june 2007 優勝者有機會參加于2007年6月在加拿大紐芬蘭紀念大學漁業及海洋學院舉行的國際潛水機械人挑戰賽。

Arpa said the combination of new and old materials infused the watches with a sense of renewal , instead of representing a reminder of the 1 , 500 passengers who drowned when the oceanliner met her tragic end off the coast of newfoundland 說將新舊原料相結合為手表注入活力,而不是讓人想起在紐芬蘭海岸失事的1500名乘客。

It is becoming increasingly obvious to us that government seems to hope the problem will just go away , which it will but with devastating consequences similar to those experienced in newfoundland , canada 按目前的情況,政府很明顯是希望讓問題自動消失,但根據加拿大紐芬蘭省的經驗,這做法的后果將相當嚴重。

Branches sealed in ice take on a glass - like fragility in newfoundland . reaching east into the atlantic ocean , the island faces harsh temperatures and deep snows throughout the winter 紐芬蘭島上這些被冰裹起來的樹枝看上去就如同玻璃一般易碎。紐芬蘭島一直向東延伸到大西洋,這里冬天的氣候苛刻,降雪量大。

In 1969 , the federal government allowed quebec sole control of hydroelectric - power purchases at the american border , forcing newfoundland to buy power from its neighbour at punitive rates 1969年,聯邦政府同意魁北克單獨控制美國邊界上水電的買賣,迫使紐芬蘭以極其昂貴的價格從這個鄰居購買電力。

Branches sealed in ice take on a glass - like fragility in newfoundland . reaching east into the atlantic ocean , the island faces harsh temperatures and deep snows throughout the winter 在紐芬蘭,被冰包裹的樹枝變得象玻璃一樣脆弱。這個東臨大西洋的島嶼在冬天要面對嚴酷的溫度和厚厚的積雪。

Ice floes in the northern gulf and around newfoundland province where most of the seal hunting occurs remain in “ good “ condition , the minister said 不過這位部長還表示,圣勞倫斯海灣地區的北部以及紐芬蘭省周邊地區的浮冰現狀“尚屬良好” ,而對海豹的捕殺大部分都發生在上述兩地。

Its backers had a difficult time persuading newfoundland ' s government that tourism was a viable alternative to the more traditional island occupations of fishing , forestry and mining 支持這一項目的人費盡周折,才說服紐芬蘭政府相信旅游業能夠取代本島傳統的漁業、林業和采礦業。

Ice floes in the northern gulf and around newfoundland province where most of the seal hunting occurs remain in “ good “ condition , the minister said 不過這位部長還表示,圣勞倫斯海灣地區的北部以及紐芬蘭省周邊地區的浮冰現狀“尚屬良好” ,而對海豹的捕殺大部分都發生在上述兩地。

In the year 1578 , the english navigator martin frobisher held a formal ceremony , in what is now called newfoundland , to give thanks for surviving the long journey 1578年,英國航海家馬丁弗洛比舍在今天的紐芬蘭島上舉行了一個盛大的儀式,感恩平安的度過漫長的海上旅程。

Before long many fishermen were sailing across the atlantic to newfoundland in their little fishing boats and bringing back great numbers of dried fish for the kitchens of europe 不久,許多漁夫便乘著自己的小漁船,穿過大西洋航行到紐芬蘭,為歐洲的廚房帶回了大宗干魚。

An inksetter in new york , quoyle returns to his family s longtime home , a small fishing town in newfoundland , with his young daughter , after a traumat . . 蓋約妻子不幸于車禍中喪生,從此陷入無助悲慟之中。于是,他帶著姑母及女兒搬到一處遠離城市文明的落后漁村,紐芬蘭。

Everything mark earle made through fishing in bay roberts , newfoundland , canada . reuben ' s mother , dora , stretched like elastic to feed clothe their five children 全家就靠父親馬克?厄爾在加拿大紐芬蘭羅伯茨灣捕魚維持生計,母親多拉也終日為他們5個孩子的衣食操勞。

On the 13th they passed the edge of the banks of newfoundland , a dangerous locality ; during the winter , especially , there are frequent fogs and heavy gales of wind 12月13號,輪船從新地島附近經過,這一段很難航行。特別是冬季,這里經常是濃霧彌漫,風勢兇猛。

The admission of newfoundland into confederation in 1948 completed the canadian confederation of ten provinces from sea to sea , as they exist today 1949年,紐芬蘭島獲準加入聯邦,使擁有10個省的東岸到西岸的加拿大聯邦完整起來,也就是今天的加拿大。

Newfoundland offers spectacular scenery , and is near major cities in europe and north america , all of which should produce a large tourism industry 紐芬蘭有著壯觀的景色,并且離歐洲和北美的很多大城市很近,所有這些都應該有助于龐大的旅游業的開發。

Also , mainland banks were reluctant to lend money for projects in newfoundland , a complaint that echoes many i heard from the mining industry yesterday 另外,大陸上的銀行也不愿意為紐芬蘭開發的項目貸款,我昨天也從采礦業者那里聽到類似的抱怨。

It also includes changes for the time zones in canada except newfoundland which will make the same change to their dst transition dates from 2007 它也包含加拿大的時區變更紐芬蘭除外,從2007年開始,加拿大也將對dst變遷進行相同的變更。

Some think that canadians know as little about newfoundland as americans know about canada : out of that ignorance comes discrimination 有人說加拿大人對紐芬蘭的了解,就像美國人對加拿大的了解一樣貧乏;這類無知導致的就是歧視。