
nevada n.內華達〔美國州名〕。adj.-dan ,n.內華達的...


The pipeline would carry groundwater from other areas of nevada to las vegas 這根管道可以把內華達州的其他地區的地下水引入拉斯維加斯。

28 usa nevada 28美國南卡

My tour ended , and i went back to the united states , to my assignment in nevada 任期結束后,我又回到了美國,開始在內華達的巡查任務。

The pipeline would carry groundwater from other areas of nevada to las vegas 這條管道能將內華達州其他地方的地下水運輸到拉斯維加斯。

University of nevada 內華達大學

Opponents of the legislation have sometimes called it the “ screw nevada ” bill 反對人士有時把這法案稱為螺絲釘內華達法案。

The pipeline would carry groundwater from other areas of nevada to las vegas 管道將從內達華州其他地區輸送地下水給拉斯韋加斯。

Sierra nevada college 內華達山學院

Nevada test site nts 內華達測試基地

There were signs in nevada that some damage may already have been done 有跡象表明一些種族分裂已經在內華達州造成了傷害。

Any luck , these guys were amateurs , cashed your check in nevada . . 還好這些家伙是業余的,他們在內華達使用了你的信用卡。

University of nevada , reno 內華達大學,里諾

Yesterday his itinerancy included stops in nevada and montana 昨天他的行程包括位于內華達州和蒙大拿州的競選點。

- cashed your check in nevada . - sign there . you can date it 他們也許會到內華達州兌現你的支票簽在這里,還有日期

Mail forwarding from your company address in delaware or nevada us , 香港獨資和合資公司的利弊香港有限公司的利弊

Cashed your check in nevada . - sign there . you can date it 他們也許會到內華達州兌現你的支票簽在這里,還有日期

Western nevada community college 西內華達社區學院

The giant logo was created in the nevada , near the secretive area 51 巨型標識被創造在內華達州靠近神秘51區。

In the matter of rivers v . nevada , it is the recommendation of this court 關于內華達州里弗斯一案,本庭建議