
neurotic adj.神經的;神經(機能)病的;神經質的;神經過敏的。...


Women are no more likely to get chronic fatigue syndrome than men , nor are neurotic types more prone , according to new myth - debunking australian research 據澳大利亞的新研究稱,女性患上慢性疲勞綜合癥的可能性與男性一樣都很低,患各種焦慮癥的情況也是如此,這項研究揭穿了長久以來的錯誤觀念。

However , when it ' s in a state of possession by our insecurities , when it ' s in the grip of our history , it becomes neurotic , so to speak ? it gets in the way 但是,當它處于被我們內在的不安全因素占據的狀態時,當它被我們的歷史所占據時,它變的神經質,所以這樣說? ?它妨礙了我們。

Research has piled up steadily when it comes to looking at patients who are neurotic or dysfunctional , while the happy or joyful people among us have received little scientific scrutiny 有關神經癥或精神失常患者的研究資料堆積如山,而幸福或快樂的人群幾乎無人關注。

In recent years many garou have noticed the fangs becoming increasingly neurotic , manifesting minor quirks such as absentmindedness or an overdeveloped sense of vengeance 最近幾年,有些狼人發現銀牙們變得越來越神經質,呈現出比如精神恍惚或者疵翳必報的怪相。

Before i moved to tokyo back in 1993 , i had read scads of articles about japan ' s neurotic “ education moms “ and “ cram schools “ for the preschool set 當我1993年重返東京時,我看到了大量有關評論日本“神經質教育”的母親和“填鴨式”學前班的文章。

Since my own nature hovers between neurotic and paranoid , i ' ve developed the habit of mentally listing things that make me optimistic about the future 因為我自己就在神經衰弱癥和偏執狂之間搖擺,于是我培養了在腦中列出讓自己對未來樂觀的事物。

Then he came to the attention of king saul who had all kinds of neurotic problems . and king saul requested david to play his harp for him 當時掃羅患上了神經的毛病,他的精神有毛病,要大衛為他彈琴,大衛就為他彈琴,你知道這故事的結局。

Everything we think of as great has come to us from neurotics . it is they and they alone who found religious and create great works of art 我們視為偉大的東西都來自精神病患者。他們,也僅僅是他們,才會創造宗教及創作藝術作品。

We live under an assumed identity , in a neurotic fairy - tale world with no more reality than the mock turtle in alice in wonderland 我們生活在一個假想的認同下,一個神經質的童話世界,就跟《愛麗絲夢游仙境》中的烏龜一樣不真實。

Take the following example , which is neurotic because the default namespace is different depending on where you are in the document 比如下面的例子,說它神經錯亂是因為默認名稱空間隨著文檔中的不同位置而變化:

If they cannot sufficiently use their mental and physical need to work , they will often show neurotic behaviour 如果它們無法充分滿足精神和身體上對于工作的需要,它們便會經常表現出類似神經質的行為。

Christ , before my eyes there shimmered such a golden peace that only a neurotic could dream of turning his head away 天啊,黃金般的祥和氣氛在我眼前閃現,只有一個患神經病的人才想掉頭走開。

A sense of sin 罪過 is always admirable , though it must not be allowed to become neurotic 神經質 罪過感總是值得欽佩的,雖然不應允許它發展成神經質。

But when jenny turns out to be a needy , neurotic mess , matt wants to call it quits 陰招盡出,誓要泄憤之馀亦令前男反乖乖吃回頭草,回到自己身邊。

Personality of adolescent neurotics in psychiatric hospital and parental rearing pattern 住院青少年神經癥患者個性特征與父母教養方式的相關研究

Genius is a subset of human nature , just as neurotics are a subset of human nature 天才是人類本質的一種,正如神經病是人類本質的一種一樣。

For years , women have been told that a clitoral orgasm is immature , neurotic 很多年以來,人們告訴婦女陰蒂導致的高潮是不成熟的和神經質的

Are they any worse than a neurotic , revolutionary humanity , full of nervous hate 難道兔子比那神經病的,革命的,充湖仇恨的人類更壞么? ”

Freud focused on neurotics , but his conclusions were relevant to mankind as a whole 弗洛伊德著力研究神經病,但他的結論與整個人類相關。