
network n.1.網眼織物。2.(鐵路、河道等的)網狀系統,網狀組...

network analysis

Both objectives and planning programs normally form a network of desired result and events . 目標和規劃方案通常都形成一個所預期的結果和事件的網絡。

This reaction is not in itself considered weakening since the silica network has not been broken . 這一反應本身不會形成弱化,因為硅氧網絡沒有破壞。

This was the challenging answer to the flimsy british network of guarantees in eastern europe . 這是對英國給東歐各國提供脆弱的保證的挑戰性的答復。

Thousands of small ferromagnetic cores are strung on wires in a network as shown in fig. 42 . 成千上萬的鐵淦氧小磁芯象圖42那樣穿在導線上組成網絡。

In chapter 9, we reexamine the historical development and applications of network techniques . 在第九章我們進一步回顧網絡技術的發展史和應用情況。

A matrix of this sort occurs, for example, in electric networks when mutual inductance is present . 例如,當電網絡中有互感時,就會出現這種陣矩。

A network of about 35 short-period vertical instruments has been installed in the states of u.s.a . 美國的一些州設置了大約35個短周期垂向儀器。

User fees or other costs to participate in a computer network system vary considerably . 用戶為加入計算機網系統而付的費用或其它費用差別很大。

Since the network is finite, this trail has to return to a point previously visited . 因為網絡是有限的,這條跡一定會返回到以前經過的某個點。

Networks for which these matrices are symmetric are called reciprocal networks . 如果一個網絡,它的這些矩陣都是對稱的,則把它稱為可逆網絡。

We will consider dependent power sources in which case the networks are nonreciprocal . 我們將考慮有非獨立電源的情況,那時網絡是不可逆的。

Electrical networks can be used to obtain tilings of rectangles of prescribed shapes . 電網絡可以用來獲得劃分具有指定形狀的矩形的劃分法。

The network of lines now conforms closely with a regular system of stress trajectories . 這些線所形成的網絡與規則的主應力跡線族密切吻合。

Computers could be plugged into a national network and be used like radios . 計算機可以通過插座與全國計算網絡聯接,就象用一架收音機一樣。

All computers will be connected to numerous data bases through high-speed data networks . 所有的計算機將通過高速數據網和許多數據庫連通。

The transportation network is described as a series of nodes and connecting links . 通常把交通網描繪成一系列的節點和節點之間的聯絡線。

Such extraction modifies the whole cell-membrance network throughout the wool fiber . 這種萃取改變了整個毛纖維中所有細胞膜的網狀結構。

Actually, as far as the network logic is concerned, this causes no real problem . 實際上,僅就網絡邏輯而言,這并不會導致什么實質問題。

Banks develop a network of correspondent banks abroad with which they maintain accounts . 銀行在國外建立代理行網并在這些銀行開立帳戶。