
nether adj.〔古、詩〕下面的。 a nether lip 下...

nether world

And goeth down westward to the coast of japhleti , unto the coast of bethhoron the nether , and to gezer ; and the goings out thereof are at the sea 又向西下到押利提人的境界,去到下伯和侖和基色的境界,直通到海。

Level 3 - creates a wave of exploding pulses from the nether plane . deals 250 damage to units , or 80 to buildings 三級-召喚來自冥界的爆炸性能量,對目標區域內的敵方單位/建筑造成250 / 80點的傷害。消耗125點的魔法。

Level 2 - creates a wave of exploding pulses from the nether plane . deals 175 damage to units , or 60 to buildings 二級-召喚來自冥界的爆炸性能量,對目標區域內的敵方單位/建筑造成175 / 60點的傷害。消耗105點的魔法。

Level 1 - creates a wave of exploding pulses from the nether plane . deals 100 damage to units , or 40 to buildings 一級-召喚來自冥界的爆炸性能量,對目標區域內的敵方單位/建筑造成100 / 40點的傷害。消耗85點的魔法。

In physics , sound is considered to be the waves of vibratory motion , nether or not they are heard by the human ear 參考譯文:在美國,最早的路是在殖民地時候鋪的。一開始用木材,后來根據地區不同用鵝卵石或磚塊。

Now drawn to outland , many ethereals are seeking to track down its treasures and steal them back into the twisting nether 許多虛空幽客來到了外域貪婪地尋找并竊取這個世界的珍寶企圖帶回扭曲的虛空之中。

Properly invoked , these powers can be used to summon demons from the nether world and compel them to fight against their kindred 如果能夠正確應用,這些力量可以召喚惡魔并驅使他們倒戈相向。

Emilia . i know a lady in venice would have walked barefoot to palestine for a touch of his nether lip 愛米利婭我知道威尼斯有一個女郎,愿意赤了腳步行到巴勒斯坦,為了希望碰一碰他的下唇。

Treading the chaotic spaces between worlds , the ethereals are astral travelers who dwell within the twisting nether 徘徊在位面間的混沌空間,虛空幽客是居住在扭曲虛空中的靈界旅行者。

Leather - silhouette , “ hell ” ( introduction ) : eighteen layers of hell of nether world in leather - silhouette legends 皮影戲《地府》的說明:皮影戲傳說中“陰間地府”中十八層地獄。

Nicked myself shaving . biting her nether hip , hooking the placket of her skirt . timing her 一會兒是我刮胡子,刮出了血,一會兒又是她,裙腰開口處的鉤子不牢,狠狠地咬著下唇。

The big chair had a rumpled look - its nether cushions had been tumbled , a fact which now amused him 現在,他看見那張大椅子墊面舊得起皺,椅背向后仰得很厲害,他覺得挺有趣的。

No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge : for he taketh a man ' s life to pledge “不可拿人的磨,或是上磨石作抵押,因為這等于拿人的生命作抵押。

No man shall take the nether or the upper millstone to pledge : for he taketh a man ' s life to pledge 不可拿人的全盤磨石或是上磨石作當頭,因為這是拿人的命作當頭。

Without the right of life , any other rights can nether have the significance nor be able to exist 然而,我國法律現階段對生命權的保護遠遠不足,令筆者十分擔憂。

Better you come from earth or krypton ( where superman came from ) , nether mars nor mercury 你最好來自地球或者克里普頓(超人家鄉) ,別是火星或水星。

Cannot treat whole nether world , can let its produce antibody with medicaments only 無法治療到全陰,只能用藥物讓其產生抗體。

Nether ' s full of them 貧民窟里到處都是

Her nether lip trembled 她的下唇顫抖著。