nescience n.1.無學,無知。2.【哲學】不可知論。
n. 1.無學,無知。 2.【哲學】不可知論。 “nescient“ 中文翻譯: adj. 1.無學的,無知的,不知的 (of)。 2.【哲學】不可知論的。 n. 不可知論者。 “nesci“ 中文翻譯: 內希“nescopeck“ 中文翻譯: 內斯科佩克“neschwitz“ 中文翻譯: 內施維茨“nesda“ 中文翻譯: 非洲環發網“neschu“ 中文翻譯: 內紹“nesdb“ 中文翻譯: 國家經濟和社會發展委員會“neschastlivtsev“ 中文翻譯: 涅夏斯利夫采夫“nese“ 中文翻譯: 內塞; 內謝; 倪子岡; 信息安全技術水平考試二級課程; 信息安全技術水平考試一級課程“nesch“ 中文翻譯: 內施
nescient |
Performance of sacrifice contrary to the ordinances of vedic scriptures without distribution of authorized and prescribed foodstuffs , unaccompanied by recitations of the appropriate vedic hymns , without charity to the holy ones and without any faith is considered to be the nature of nescience 在禮拜祭祀時,違背《呋陀》經的典律,不分發指定的靈性食物,不唱頌相應的《呋陀》贊歌,不向圣者供養布施,毫無信仰,就被認為是愚昧無知的品性。 |
That by which one is engrossed in some fragmental conception as if encompasses all , irrational ; without knowledge of reality and whimsically is called the nature of nescience 沉湎于片面的觀念里,認為那就涵蓋了一切,毫無理性,沒有關于真理的知識,異想天開地想入非非,這樣的認知就是處于愚昧無知的品性中。 |
Lord krsna the possessor of all opulence said : the faith of the embodied manifests in three ways : goodness , passionate and nescience ; conforming unto the impressions of past life experiences 萬有萬福的主奎師那說:與往世的經歷印痕相符,體內靈魂的信仰以三種方式展現:善性,欲望情感和愚昧無知。 |
The result of virtuous activities in the mode of goodness is declared purity , the result in the mode of passion is misery and the result in the mode of ignorance is nescience 在善性的知覺覺知中施善行的結果是純凈,在欲望情感中追求行為的利益結果是苦難,在愚昧無知中進行的行為,其結果是愚昧。 |
You should know , o arjuna , that the mode of ignorance as the cause of delusion enslaving all embodied beings born of nescience ; by negligence , listlessness and somnolence 你應該知道,阿諸那啊,無知是一切妄想的根源,它因疏忽,冷漠和困倦而奴役,束縛了所有天生無知的被肉體包裹的靈魂。 |
That action which is begun out of illusion without considering consequence , destruction , violence and one ' s own ability to fulfill it , is called in the nature of nescience 那些出于妄想,不計后果,具破壞性的,暴力的,依靠個人的能力去進行的行為活動,就是處于愚昧無知的品性中。 |
O arjuna , a person being liberated from these three doorways of nescience , performs austerities for the embodied self ; thereafter reaching the supreme goal 阿諸那啊,一個人如果能從這無知的三道地獄之門中解脫出來,為真心自性持戒苦修,他就能夠隨之達到人生的終極目標。 |
Arjuna , a person being liberated from these three doorways of nescience , performs austerities for the embodied self ; thereafter reaching the supreme goal 阿諸那啊,一個人如果能從這無知的三道地獄之門中解脫出來,為真心自性持戒苦修,他就能夠隨之達到人生的終極目標。 |
That determination o arjuna , by which the unintelligent is unable to abandon dreaming , fearing , grieving , depression and foolhardiness is in the nature of nescience 阿諸那啊,愚鈍的人無法放棄妄想,恐懼,悲哀,沮喪和蠻干愚勇,他們的決心是處于愚昧無知的品性中。 |
That spiritual intelligence enveloped in ignorance , which regards unrighteousness as righteousness and everything contrary to what they are , is in the nature of nescience , o arjuna 靈性智能被無知所屏蔽,以邪為正,顛倒一切,就是處于愚昧無知的品性中,阿諸那啊。 |
The inward knowledge integration process is from knowledge nescience , knowledge acquiring , knowledge controlling , knowledge exploration , knowledge interpretation and diffusion 結合知識整合的發生環境、整合類型的劃分,本文給出了技術能力提升的兩種模式。 |
That austerity which is performed by the whims of the foolish , causing pain to one ' s self ; or for the harm of others is described as of the nature of nescience 蠢人們一時興起而進行的苦修,引起自己的痛苦或對他人的傷害,就被認為是處于愚昧無知的劣性中。 |
Happiness arising from sleep , sloth and irresponsibility which deludes the embodied self in the beginning and at the end is called in the nature of nescience 從睡眠,懶惰和不負責任中獲得的快樂,自始至終地迷惑了心靈,那就是處于愚昧無知的品性中。 |
That charity which is given disrespectfully and scornfully at an inappropriate place and time to one unworthy is described as of the nature of nescience 在不適當的時間,地點,向不配接受的人,不恭敬,輕蔑地給予的施舍就被稱為是具無知劣性的。 |
Those in goodness worship the demigods , those in passion worship the demoniac , other personas in nescience the spirits of the dead and ghosts 在善性中的人崇拜半人神,在欲望情感中的人崇拜魔鬼,其他無知的人崇拜鬼魂和幽靈。 |
That food which is stale , tasteless , putrid , decomposed , foul and impure as well as the leavings of others is dear to one in nescience 那些陳腐無味兒的,腐爛的,分解了的,污穢不潔的以及別人的殘羹剩飯為無知的人所喜歡。 |
But renunciation of prescribed activities is not recommended ; abandoning them due to illusion is declared as the nature of nescience 但是放棄規定的行為活動是不可取的。由于妄想而放棄它們,就是愚昧無知的品性。 |
Arjuna , nescience , inertness , neglectfulness and also illusion ; when these arise the mode of ignorance predominates 阿諸那啊,無知,消沉,疏忽和妄想,當所有這些一起呈現的時候,就是愚昧無知占了主導地位。 |
From goodness develops wisdom , from passion greed and certainly from ignorance delusion and illusion arise along with nescience 善性的知覺覺知產生智慧,欲望情感產生貪婪,愚昧無知和妄想,幻想相伴。 |