
nerve n.1.【解剖學】神經。2.〔詩〕筋,腱;精力,氣力。3...

nerve agent

Sympathetic nerves have their ganglia just above the heart . 交感神經的神經節位于心臟的上方。

Oh, that irritating cough! how it gets on one's nerves . 哦!那種刺耳的咳嗽聲,多么使人心煩!

My nerves are terrible . 我的神經太脆弱了。

His nerves are on the bum . 他的神經有毛病。

It can help one's nerves . 這能穩定人的情緒。

I did my best, if with increasingly frayed nerves . 我盡了最大的努力,雖然神經越來越緊張。

His nerves remind him . 他的膽怯不安提醒了他。

He does not know what nerves are . 他從不緊張。

You hit a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife . 你曾提到他的前妻刺到了他的痛處。

Bob dylan touched a nerve of disaffection . 鮑勃狄藍觸及那些大家都不滿意的敏感的問題。

He just get on my nerves . 不過他刺痛了我的神經。

The transverse nerves pass to the spiracles of their segment . 橫神經通往同體節的氣門。

Certainly we strained every nerve to be ready . 的確,我們的每一條神經都是繃得緊緊的。

Surely she did not have the nerve to say that to him ? 她真的沒有勇氣對他說那件事嗎?

You must nerve yourself, bertha . 你得勇敢些,伯莎。

That hissing gets on my nerves . 這嘶嘶聲真使我難受。

That'll astonish timothy's weak nerves . 以悌摩西那樣衰弱的神經,這件事準會嚇壞他。

Give me a chance to get my nerve . 給我個機會定定神。

Banks are the nerves of commerce . 銀行是商業的中樞。