
nephrectomy n.(pl. -mies) 【醫學】腎切除術。


After adjusting for age , kidney function , diabetes , hypertension and other factors , they found that the three - year probability of a patient suffering a new onset of chronic kidney disease was 65 percent for those undergoing the radical procedure , and 20 percent for those who had only the partial nephrectomy 經過平衡年齡、腎功能、糖尿病、高血壓和其他的一些因素,他們發現,在3年存續期中采用完全切除法的患者開始患慢性腎病的比例為65 % ,而采用部分切除法的只有20 % 。

With the availability of new , miniaturized laparoscopic instruments suitable for use in small children and the improvement of surgical techniques , the department has achieved many laparoscopic operations in young children over the last few years . these include laparoscopic appendicectomy , nephrectomy , heminephrectomy , splenectomy , fundoplication , dismembered pyeloplasty , orchidopexy , varicocelectomy , tumour excision , etc . in fact , most paediatric surgical operations in prince of wales hospital that have hitherto been performed by the open method can now be safely performed with an endoscopic approach 隨著新的適用于小兒的小型腹腔鏡器械的應用和外科技術的提高,在過去幾年內,外科學系開展了多種小兒腹腔鏡手術,包括腹腔鏡闌尾切除術、腎切除術、半腎切除術、脾切除術、胃底拆疊術、腎盂成形術、睪丸固定術、曲張精索靜脈切除術和腫瘤切除術。

He is also an expert in various open urological surgery like the radical nephrectomy and cystectomy , as well as endo - urological surgery like the transuretheral resection of prostate , ureteroscopic pneumatic and holmium laser lithotripsy , minimal invasive percutaneous nephroscopic lithotripsy and laparoscopic surgery , like the laparoscopic adrenectomy and nephrectomy 較熟練地掌握泌尿外科腔內手術,如經尿道前列腺電切術,輸尿管鏡氣壓彈道碎石及鈥激光碎石術,微創經皮腎鏡碎石術及各類腹腔鏡手術,如腹腔鏡腎上腺腫瘤切除術,腹腔鏡腎切除術及腎盂成形術等。

After adjusting for age , kidney function , diabetes , hyperte ion and other factors , they found that the three - year probability of a patient suffering a new o et of chronic kidney disease was 65 percent for those undergoing the radical procedure , and 20 percent for those who had only the partial nephrectomy 經過平衡年齡、腎功能、糖尿病、高血壓和其他的一些因素,他們發現,在3年存續期中采用完全切除法的患者開始患慢性腎病的比例為65 % ,而采用部分切除法的只有20 % 。

Chronic kidney disease after nephrectomy in patients with renal cortical tumours : a retrospective cohort study ( the lancet oncology ) removing an entire kidney instead of just the tumor and nearby tissue is more likely to result in impaired function in the remaining kidney 患有腎部皮層腫瘤的患者在實施腎切除術后會患慢性腎病:柳葉刀腫瘤學會的群組研究回顧:完全切除整個腎臟而不是腫瘤本身和鄰近的組織更可能損傷另外一個違背切除腎。

Chronic kidney disease after nephrectomy in patients with renal cortical tumours : a retro ective cohort study ( the lancet oncology ) removing an entire kidney i tead of just the tumor and nearby ti ue is more likely to result in impaired function in the remaining kidney 患有腎部皮層腫瘤的患者在實施腎切除術后會患慢性腎病:柳葉刀腫瘤學會的群組研究回顧:完全切除整個腎臟而不是腫瘤本身和鄰近的組織更可能損傷另外一個違背切除腎。

Methods : from february , 1992 to decenmber , 2004 , 8 cases of renal cell carcinoma of solitary kidney confirmed by operation , of which , 5 underwent tumor enucleation , 2 partial nephrectomy and l bench surgery with autotransplantation of kidney 方法:對1992年2月~ 2004年12月共8例經手術和病理證實為腎細胞癌的臨床資料進行回顧性分析, 8例均為孤立腎癌, 8例中5例行腫瘤剜除術, 2例行腎部分切除術, 1例離體腎腫瘤切除加自體腎移植術。

Methods the dn model rats established by one side nephrectomy and intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin were randomly divided into 5 groups , the shamoperation group , the model group , the valsartan group , the gliquidon group , and the tsl group , 10 in each group 方法采用單側腎臟切除并腹腔注射鏈脲佐菌素stz的方法復制dn大鼠模型,分為假手術模型纈沙坦糖適平及通腎絡膠囊組,每組10只。

As experience gained more , urologists soon found laparoscopic surgery suitable for many complex upper urothelial tract diseases , such as laparoscopic adrenalectomy , partial nephrectomy , pyeloplasty , nephrolithotomy … . etc 當經驗逐漸累積后,泌尿科醫師發現腹腔鏡手術亦適合眾多復雜的手術,例如:腹腔鏡腎上腺切除術、部分腎臟切除術、腎盂成型術、腎臟截石術…等。

In a comparison of nephron - sparing surgery and radical nephrectomies , the tumor size , operative time , blood loss , hospital stay , and preoperative and postoperative serum creatinine levels were analyzed 比較腎臟保留手術和根除性腎臟切除手術的差異,我們針對腫瘤大小、手術時間、血液流失程度、住院日數、術前和術后的血清肌酸酐值均加以分析及討論。

For more than 40 years , american surgeons have treated small localized tumors of the kidney the same way : with nephrectomy , the removal of the entire kidney 在超過40年的時間里,美國外科醫生都用同樣的辦法? ?腎切除術,即完全切除整個腎,治療那些已經發現的小的腎腫瘤。

We present the case of a 77 - year - old woman with pancreatic metastases from renal cell carcinoma , found 12 years after nephrectomy , and describe our radiologic findings 本文報告一名七十七歲女性腎細胞癌患者于手術切除腎臟十二年后出現胰臟轉移,并描述其影像學之表現。

For more than 40 years , american surgeo have treated small localized tumors of the kidney the same way : with nephrectomy , the removal of the entire kidney 在超過40年的時間里,美國外科醫生都用同樣的辦法? ?腎切除術,即完全切除整個腎,治療那些已經發現的小的腎腫瘤。

In our series , 16 patients received a nephrectomy , including 1 who undeiwent bilateral nephrectomies , 16 received a partial nephrectomy , and 7 underwent tumor enucleation 三位病患術前診斷為腎細胞癌因為術中冰凍切片報告是血管肌脂肪瘤而接受腎臟保留的手術方式。

His principal areas of research include late complications of renal tuberculosis , vas sterilization , adrenal surgery , and post - nephrectomy compensatory renal growth 吳教授的主要研究工作包括腎結核晚期并發癥、輸精管絕育、腎上腺外科、腎代償性增長等多方面。

Results : thirty - one patients met the entry criterion including 6 cases who underwent nephron - sparing surgery and 25 cases who underwent a radical nephrectomy 結果:三十一位病患符合研究標準,其中六位接受腎臟保留手術而二十五位接受根除性腎臟切除手術。

This specimen represents a left adrenal mass remoed from a 63 year old man 11 years after he underwent right radical nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma 這個標本來自一位腎細胞癌做了右腎癌全切術,術后11年的63歲老年男性的左腎上腺腫物。

After the failure of antimicrobial therapy and percutaneous drainage , she was treated successfully with radical nephrectomy 經過積極的抗生素治療和經皮腎臟造口引流失敗,我們成功地采用根除性的腎臟切除將病情于以控制。

A case is reported of intrarenal lipoma which had undergone nephrectomy erroneously under the mistaken impression of renal cell carcinoma 摘要我們報告壹腎臟?肪瘤病例,因其臨床表現疑似腎細胞癌而接受腎切除手術。