
nepalese n.尼泊爾人。adj.尼泊爾(人)的。


Arayama , a corporate management consultant from kamakura , south of tokyo , was part of an 11 - person team that included six nepalese sherpas and five japanese climbers 荒山老人來自位于東京以南的鐮侖市,是一名企業管理顧問。他參加的珠峰登山隊由11名隊員組成,其中包括6名尼泊爾夏爾巴人和5名日本人。

The appeal was made following investigations into a complaint from a nepalese man earlier this month against a commercial company in tsim sha tsui for suspected pyramid selling 警方作出有關呼吁,是由于本月初有一名尼泊爾籍男子向警方報案,指一間位于尖沙咀的商業公司進行懷疑是層壓式推銷計劃。

Naturally , asian cuisines are well - represented , and include indian , indonesian , japanese , korean , malaysian , singaporean , thai and vietnamese , as well as nepalese , filipino and sri lankan 在香港,美食選擇多不勝數。亞洲美食有印度菜印尼菜日本菜韓國菜馬來西亞菜新加坡菜泰國菜和越南菜。

Tens of thousands of nepalese have held a victory rally in kathmandu after king gyanendra agreed to reinstate parliament , but another large crowd demanded he leave the country 數萬尼泊爾人在國王賈南德拉同意恢復議會后聚集在首都加德滿都市舉行勝利集會,但另外一場集會則要求國王離開尼泊爾。

A department spokesman said that applications for study or employment received before june 6 would continue to be processed . “ the new arrangement will not affect nepalese residents in hong kong 發言人指出在6月6日之前已送抵入境處的就讀及就業簽證申請,將繼續以現行政策處理。

A department spokesman said that applications for study or employment received before june 6 would continue to be processed . “ the new arrangement will not affect nepalese residents in hong kong 發言人指出在6月6日之前已送抵入境處的就讀及就業簽證申請,將繼續以現行政策處理。

As the “ four river and six mountain range religion protection army continuously made trouble in the nepalese - chinese border area , the nepalese government disarmed it with force in 1974 “四水六崗衛教軍”不斷騷擾中尼兩國邊境地區, 1974年尼泊爾政府出動部隊最終解除其武裝。

Some people helped us to carry things and corrected our misspelled nepalese words . they kept telling us that if we needed them for anything , they would be most willing to help 有些人還主動幫我們搬東西,改正尼泊爾文的拼字錯誤,還一直表示,如果我們需要幫忙,他們非常樂意。

His interest immediately aroused , he stepped forward to read the conditions for initiation written in nepalese . he later requested to learn the convenient method of meditation and began a vegetarian diet 他馬上興趣盎然地上前看尼文的報名須知,也報名修方便法并開始食素。

The united people ' s front ( upf ) , which had been the third - largest nepalese political party in 1991 , suffered from a series of splits during the 1990s rivaled only by cpn 聯合人民陣線( upf ) ,在1991年曾是尼泊爾第三大政黨,在20世紀90年代經歷了一系列的僅次于尼共的分裂。

Nepal ' s prime minister girija prasad koirala has urged the chinese government to extend road and railway networks in neighboring china closer to the nepalese border 尼泊爾首相柯伊拉臘敦促中國政府將鄰國中國的公路和鐵路網絡延長到更加靠近尼泊爾邊境的地方。

Sustaining injuries to their heads , the two male security guards , a 36 - year - old local chinese and a nepalese , were rushed to tseung kwan o hospital for treatment 兩名受傷護衛員,包括一名三十六歲本港男子及一名尼泊籍男子,被送往將軍澳醫院接受治療。

It is a big illusion to think that the thought in the nepalese history has been built upon the great sacrifices of thousands of great martyrs will bow down 如果認為建立在千千萬萬先烈偉大犧牲基礎上的尼泊爾歷史上的這一偉大思想會屈服,那就大錯特錯了。

The nepalese people were not the only ones who were enthralled by master s videos ; many western tourists also stopped by the exhibition venue to watch her explicit discourses 師父錄影帶深受尼人喜愛,連一些西方游客,也逗留現場觀看師父精彩的開示。

Arayama , a corporate management consultant from kamakura , south of tokyo , was part of an 11 - person team that included six nepalese sherpas and five japanese climbers 他參加的珠峰登山隊由11名隊員組成,其中包括6名尼泊爾夏爾巴人和5名日本人。

At the painting exhibition , the nepalese people , who have age - old cultural traditions , are deeply impressed by the truth , virtue and beauty of masteris works of art 畫展實況-有悠久文化傳承的尼泊爾人,深深陶醉在師父真善美的藝術作品中。

The nepalese people have appeared sharp and radiant many times in the ordeals of sacrifices continuously from the time around 1950 till today 從大約1950年起到今天,尼泊爾人民經歷了不斷的犧牲和折磨,多次表現出英勇敏銳、光彩照人的一面。

Since english was not as popular in pokhara as in katmandu , each replica print of master s paintings carried nepalese titles and brief introductions 在波卡拉城,英文不如加德滿都那般通行,所以這次師父的復制畫下面都有尼泊爾文的翻譯。

The nepalese king , greatly angered by this , sent his army to suppress these activities . some of the perpetrators surrendered and others were wiped out 尼泊爾國王很是氣憤,派軍隊去圍剿,衛教軍沒有辦法,有的投降,有的被消滅了。