
neonate n.出生不滿一個月的嬰兒;新生嬰兒。


Screening for congenital hypothyroidism in 106 224 neonates in hunan province 湖南省106 224例新生兒先天性甲狀腺功能減低癥篩查

Hearing screening for 2 061 neonates and high risk factors for hearing disorders 2061例新生兒聽力篩查及聽力障礙高危因素的分析

Initially envaluating of effect on integratively intervene phenylketouria of neonates 新生兒苯丙酮尿癥綜合干預效果的初步評價

An analysis of screening for congenital hypothyroidism among neonates in changsha city 長沙地區新生兒甲狀腺功能低下篩查分析

Correlation of erythrocyte immune function between normal neonates and their mothers 新生兒和產婦紅細胞免疫功能相關性分析

Infant massage in the physiological behavior , growth and development of neonates 撫觸對新生兒生理行為及生長發育的效果分析

Neonatal behavioral neurological assessment and early intervene in neonates with asphyxia 窒息新生兒的行為測定和早期干預

Epidemiological analysis of neonate tetanus cases monitored in hainan province in 2005年新生兒破傷風監測病例流行病學分析

Staphylococcus species nosocomial infection among neonates : status and precaution strategy 新生兒葡萄球菌屬感染及防治對策

Shengmai injection treating 53 neonates with anoxemic encephalopathy 復方丹參注射液對新生兒缺氧缺血性腦病遠期療效的影響

Effects of small dose ketamlne and midazolam on neonate by cesarean section 小劑量氯胺酮和咪唑安定對剖宮產新生兒的影響

Evaluation of therapy and screening for congenital hypothyroidism in neonates 沈陽市新生兒先天性甲狀腺功能低下篩查再報

The perioperative nursing care for the neonates undergone the arterial switch operation 新生兒大動脈轉位術的圍術期護理

Study on cellular immunity function in neonates with hypoxic - ischemic encephalopathy 新生兒缺血缺氧性腦病免疫功能研究

Evaluation of safety nursing effect of neonates in neonatal intensive care unit 新生兒監護病區患兒安全護理的效果評價

Product name : skj . mhp plug - in fiber straight laryngoscope lens for neonates , 21 產品名稱:可拆卸光纖直喉鏡片新生兒21

Investigation on the tsh level in omphalorrhagia of neonates in linyi city 臨沂市新生兒臍帶血促甲狀腺激素水平的調查

The clinical analysis of twin neonates from assisted reproductive techniques 雙胎妊娠輔助生殖技術出生新生兒臨床分析

Visual preference of neonate 新生兒的視覺偏愛