
neighbourly adj.1.像鄰人的;親切的,和睦的,易親近的。2.住在...


Quoting a who expert as saying that the world would continue to depend on hong kong to play an important neighbourly role in regional and global public health , dr leung said the chp would certainly make the firmest pledge to live up to the expectation of the global community 梁賢醫生引述一名世界生組織專家的說話,指出國際社會將會繼續倚重香港于地區及全球公共健康方面,肩負守望相助的重要鄰里角色。梁醫生表示生防護中心亦可就此作出最堅定的承諾,不會辜負全球社會的厚望。

Article 83 in the spirit of helping production , making things convenient for people ' s lives , enhancing unity and mutual assistance , and being fair and reasonable , neighbouring users of real estate shall maintain proper neighbourly relations over such matters as water supply , drainage , passageway , ventilation and lighting 第八十三條不動產的相鄰各方,應當按照有利生產、方便生活、團結互助、公平合理的精神,正確處理截水、排水、通行、通風、采光等方面的相鄰關系。

Article 429 any commander on a battlefield who is in a position to rescue the neighbourly forces he knows are in a critical situation but does not do so upon request , thus causing heavy losses to the latter , shall be sentenced to fixed - term imprisonment of not more than five years 第四百二十九條在戰場上明知友鄰部隊處境危急請求救援,能救援而不救援,致使友鄰部隊遭受重大損失的,對指揮人員,處五年以下有期徒刑。

And my advice for determining when to start a war is to wait for your neighbourly civ to send its warrior / spearman accompanied settler in your direction , as they inevitably do , and take them out before they found a city 我建議你決定發動戰爭的時機是當你的鄰居向你這個方向派出一個武士/矛兵保衛的移民的時候,它們肯定會這么做的,在他們建造城市之前消滅/俘虜他們。

The aizhai secondary school may be very deprived of resources , but it has a very neighbourly feel 矮寨是一個民風十分純?的鄉鎮,而我將要工作一整年的矮寨中學更是一所親切的學校。

Some of us tried at first to be neighbourly but they seemed to want to keep their own company 起初,我們有些人想搞好鄰里關系,但她們似乎不想與人來往。