
neighborhood n.1.鄰近,接近;附近;周圍。2.四鄰,街坊;街道,地...

neighborhood unit

There ' s more than your usual number of neighborhood sweeps 更多的鄰居被掃蕩

Paper on integrated neighborhood project review chin 綜合鄰舍計劃服務檢討意見書

- what you looking at ? - the old neighborhood -你看什么呢? - “過去住過的街區”

You know , if i never come back to this neighborhood . . 如果不會回以前的地方. .

- okay , then . welcome to the neighborhood . - thanks -好的,歡迎你來到這里-謝謝

Who runs the community center in my neighborhood 是誰管理在我鄰近的社區中心?

The neighbors wanted to throw them out of the neighborhood 鄰居們想把他們趕走

Come with me . this is not a safe neighborhood . come on 過來,這里不安全,上來

Declared war on drug dealing in the neighborhood 向在鄰近地段進行的毒品交易宣戰

They had no time now for neighborhood gossip 如今,他們沒有時間和周圍的人閑扯。

Okay , then . welcome to the neighborhood . - thanks 好的,歡迎你來到這里-謝謝

It is a great neighborhood in a great building as well 附近的建筑也相當的不錯。

I mean , i wasn ' t in the neighborhood or anything 我是說我不是住在附近或者… …

I don ' t want it to fight the funk of the neighborhood 我不想引起鄰里之間的爭斗

I was in the neighborhood . brought you some money 我就在附近,給你帶了些錢過來

Are starting to find the value in our neighborhoods 也開始發現我們社區的意義了

I guess you prefer remaining in the same neighborhood 讓我先查查電腦物業資料。

We once had a wanted criminal in our neighborhood 我們這附近曾經來過一個通緝犯

“there's the governor“, and called their companions' attention to the thin, erect figure, commanding, imposing, dominating, all in his immediate neighborhood . 有人說“州長來啦,”就叫身旁的人們看這個身材又纖瘦又筆直的人物,只見他相貌堂堂、威風凜凜,叫周圍一帶的人全肅嚴起敬。