
negotiation n.〔常 pl.〕1.協商,談判,交涉,協定。2.讓與,...


The progress of negotiation between the two sides has slowed down owing to their absence . 雙方的談判因為他們的缺席而遲緩下來。

The offer was accepted without prejudice to the current pay negotiations . 該提議獲得接納,但對目前正在進行的工資談判并無影響。

Our fallback position was thus in print before our negotiations had ever begun . 我們的談判還沒有開始,我們的底牌就見諸文字了。

Throughout the month of july these negotiations continued in a frigid atmosphere . 在整個7月份中,談判始終在冷淡的氣氛中進行。

I grew to understand that le duc tho considered negotiations as another battle . 我逐漸明白,黎德壽把談判看作是另一種戰斗。

What they did ask for was that we demand in negotiations the perfect symmetry . 他們要求的則是,在談判中要取得完全的對等。

We are on a sticky wicket with these negotiations -- they could very well fail . 我們在談判中已陷入泥淖很可能失敗。

He can either hold it to maturity or discount it with the negotiation bank . 他可以保留它直至到期,也可以向議付行貼現。

We could at least have attempted to exact some reciprocity in the negotiation . 我們本來可以在談判中至少換取點互惠。

The union leaders are trying to buy time by prolonging the negotiations . 工會的領袖企圖以延長談判過程來拖延時間。

The developing countries have an important stake in these negotiations . 這些談判的結果對發展中國家有重大的關系。

Haig at my request told dobrynin about the status of our negotiations . 應我的要求,黑格向多勃雷寧介紹談判情況。

The conclusion of a negotiation more often yields exhaustion than relief . 談判結束往往使人精疲力盡而不是輕松。

Jordan and egypt were tentatively feeling their way toward negotiation . 約旦和埃及正在初步摸索通向談判的道路。

He proceeded to open negotiations looking toward the surrender of italy . 他著手進行談判,為意大利投降作準備。

In all the years of negotiation with me he has never lost his poise . 這些年來他與我談判,從未有不穩重的表現。

Thereafter he turned into a tiredless advocate of negotiations . 從此以后,他變成一個不屈不撓地倡議談判的人。

It was weird negotiation extending of occasionally heated exchanges . 這次談判是不尋常的,有時交鋒十分激烈。

The union accused the management of closing the door on further negotiation . 工會指責資方拒絕進一步談判。