
negligent adj.對…玩忽[疏忽] (of, in, about)...


Wherefore i will not be negligent to put you always in remembrance of these things , though ye know them , and be established in the present truth 12你們雖然曉得這些事,并且在你們已有的真道上堅固,我卻要將這些事常常題醒你們。

Managers being negligent of the duties , which lead to customers ' personal injury and possession damage , should take on the tort liability for compensation 經營者違反該義務發生消費者人身、財產損害的,一般應承擔侵權責任。

In reality , we often complain about unfairness of god and are negligent about the most precious gift he gives us 當我們一味地指責她時,就忽略了她賜予我們的那些最寶貴的東西,就麻痹了自己的大腦,錯過了改變自己命運的時機。

“ oh , i hope you ' ll die in a garret ! starved to death , “ said the boy , mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant “啊,我希望你死在閣樓上,餓死! ”這孩子說,聽見我們走進來,誤以為是他那怠慢的聽差來了呢。

3 wearing parts and parts damaged due to improper or negligent treatment to the contract equipment by the end - user shall be excluded from the guarantee 易損件和因用戶對合同設備操作不當或處理不妥損壞的部件不在質保之列。

The odes praised merit without flattering , remonstrated with negligent rulers without being overly harsh , and lamented fate without being excessive 贊嘆功德的,既不流阿諛?勸諫君王的,亦不顯露骨:悲嘆命運的,也不至凄厲。

Policy and tactics are the life of the party ; leading comrades at all levels must give them full attention and must never on any account be negligent 政策和策略是黨的生命,各級領導同志務必充分注意,萬萬不可粗心大意。

Robbery causing severe injury or death should include both perpetrator ' s intentional and negligent act which lead to the result 搶劫致人重傷、死亡的,包括行為人故意致人重傷、死亡和過失致人重傷、死亡的情形在內。

The structural features of official negligent crime are main iy as foi lows : 1 . the subject should be state funct ionary 關于職務過失犯罪的構成特征,主要有如下幾個方面: 1 、主體特征應為國家工作(公職)人員。

This issue deserves the high - level and urgent attention of government : anything less would be negligent , concluded shaw 這問題值得政府高度的關注,刻不容緩。政府再不采取任何行動,疏忽職守就等同坐以待斃。

Regardless of whether a mpcmp has insurance cover , they will have tortious liability if they are found to be negligent 無論有否購買保險,西醫中醫一旦有專業疏忽行為,亦須承擔民事侵權責任。

Five staff members , including the owner and his wife and daughter , have been arrested and charged with negligent homicide 包含校長、他的妻子與女兒的五位學校成員都被逮捕,并且被控過失殺人。

Trot liability for negligence presupposes causality between the negligent act and the injury to person or property 過失侵權責任以過失行為與對人身或財產的侵權之間的因果關系為前提。

A person is liable on the basis of fault for intentional or negligent violation of the required standard of conduct 任何人基于過錯因故意或過失違反被要求的行為標準都要負責任。

Official negligent crime is one of vocational negligent crimes belong to the category of official crime 職務過失犯罪是業務過失犯罪的一種,屬于職務犯罪的范疇。

“ well . well , “ said st . clare , passing on , with his usual air of negligent drollery “好啦,好啦” ,圣克萊亞邊走邊說,還是帶著平常那種瀟灑而詼諧的態度。

You sudden and negligent gift is , like the meteor in the night of fall , burning in my life 你剎那見不經意的饋贈,像秋夜的流星,在我的身心深初著了火。

Starved to death , said the boy , mistaking our approach for that of his negligent attendant 這孩子說,聽見我們走進來,誤以為是他那怠慢的聽差來了呢。

The patient claimed that his doctor had been negligent in not giving him an appropriate treatment 病人聲稱他的醫生怠忽職守,沒有給他適當的治療。