
nefarious adj.惡毒的;窮兇極惡的;極壞的。adv.-ly ,-...


When a new murder victim is discovered with all the sings of jigsaw s hand , detective eric mattews begins a full investigation and apprehends jigsaw with little effort . but for jigsaw , getting caught is just another part of his nefarious plan 首名受害人從密室里醒過來,發現肩上被鎖上鐵制的補?器,殺人狂要他在限時一分鐘內從他的眼睛挖出鑰匙打開鋒利捕?器,否則它就會闔上,粉碎一切

Meanwhile , in sinister corporate kingdom , a nefarious plot to take over his company is hatched . . . . will aaron finally regain his true identity before it is too late 王晶這部公子多情式喜劇,草根趣味和物質主義的底子,凸現階級品味對立,專攻暴發戶死穴,快感來自政治極不正確。

I once knew a woman who had the nefarious distinction that her name and her personality were both contradictions in terms , a double hit of bad luck , you might say 我曾經認識一個女人,她因兇狠而聲名狼藉。她的名字與她的個性都與她本人自相矛盾,可以說是雙重不幸。

With nefarious players on either side , spawn must carefully navigate his obsessive revenge to avert the destruction of the human race 同時,他發現了愛妻云達已改嫁他人,西蒙怨恨謀殺自己的兇手改變他一生,遂決定逮出兇手,找尋真相。

In the mid - 80s , hackers who disliked the negative connotations coined the term “ cracker . “ a cracker is someone who breaks software for nefarious ends 在八十年代中期,不喜歡這個詞的反面意義的駭客創造了“駭客”這個詞。

However , the machine really does its nefarious job , copying all the relevant information needed to duplicate cards that get inserted 但是,機器實際上完成了其邪惡勾當,竊取了復制所插入的信用卡所需的所有相關信息。

Their goal : to take down the “ ice queen “ , a mysterious drug dealer who leads a band of nefarious smugglers and criminals 在行動中,遇到另一隊神秘狙擊手奪去毒品。飛虎隊大惑不解之際,與對方狹路相逢,爆發激戰。

And was she a harbinger of a race of unnatural beings who might eventually be fashioned specifically as a means to nefarious ends 她是否為某個非自然物種的先鋒,到頭來只是為了某個邪惡目的而刻意制造?

The nefarious zerg overmind has been destroyed and the protoss homeworld of aiur now lies in smoking ruin 不可一世的蟲族首腦終于倒下了,但是神族的艾爾家園卻被夷為了廢墟。

Another non - nefarious cause of increasing income disparity may be our ever - higher immigration rates 造成收入差距加大的另一個不可指責的原因或許是攀升的移民率。

The man is . nefarious 那家伙惡毒得很

The man is . . . nefarious 那家伙惡毒得很

Ones with high values , for they can hide nefarious subtleties 是覆蓋率高的)時需要小心,它們也許隱含危險的信息。

“ cavorting with nefarious characters . conduct unbecoming of an officer . “和三教九流混在一起不適合警官的行為”

With his nefarious portfolio 帶著他那只罪惡的公文包

The bomber ' s nefarious deed destroyed many innocent lives 轟炸機邪惡的行為摧毀了許多無辜的生命。

The gifts of the earth were put only to nefarious uses 大地的賜予全被用去造孽。