
nectar n.1.【希臘神話】神酒,眾神飲的酒;甘美的飲料,甘露。...


This hovering action allows these birds to stay over a flower long enough to suck out all the nectar they want ( or need ) 這種盤旋的動作讓這些鳥足以在花朵上停留夠久,以吸吮?們想要(或必要)的所有花蜜。

Regardless of the method you practice , if you havent heard the inner sound or received the inner nectar , its useless 不論修什么法門,如果沒有聽到內在的聲音,沒有接收到里面的甘露水,那種法門就沒有用!

With each gentle breeze , the bamboo sways and dances gracefully , portraying a shower of nectar raining down from heaven onto earth 當微風輕拂,竹片會此起彼落地隨風舞動,象徵天上甘霖灑落大地。

Like gentle rain , her teachings brought nectar to scotland and soothed the hearts of her people like a spring breeze 師父教理像一場春雨為蘇格蘭送來甘露,像一陣春風拂暖了蘇格蘭人的心靈。

Besides turning floral nectar into honey , these hardworking insects also pollinate crops for farmers - for a fee 除了將花蜜轉化為蜂蜜,這些辛勤工作的小蟲子為農作物授粉-作為報酬給農民。

Thus , metaphorically , god had cleansed hsinchus air with nectar showers before sending fine weather to welcome guests 彷佛是法雨事先凈化新竹地區的氣氛,再以溫暖的天氣迎接活動的到來。

I will bring all my friends and beloved ones with me and we will drink heavenly nectar every day 屆時我會帶著我所有的朋友及親愛的人一同前往,我們可以每天聚在一起喝天堂的甘露。

In addition to the seeds , fellow initiates also provided the people with nectar for the spirit masters sample booklets 除了發放種子之外,同修也將靈性甘露-師父的樣書送給他們。

Those who have tasted nectar as the result of performing sacrifice reach the eternal ultimate truth 那些通過奉愛布施已經嘗到了神露的人,就達到了永恒的根本真理的境界。

Then , the following day , a heavy rain washed over southern california , cleansing the region with sweet nectar 隔天,南加州下了一場傾盆大雨,上天以甘露洗滌了這個地區。

One asura suspected foul play , disguised himself as a deva , and drank some nectar 其中一位阿修羅懷疑這不公平的游戲,把自己偽裝成了一位天神,喝下了一些甘露。

In the backyard , they can be enticed to visit feeders with oranges , nectars , or peanut butter 在后院,他們可以引誘訪問饋線與橘子,果汁,或花生醬。

As it fed on the nectar , its wings moved tremulously and i froze in my tracks , transfixed 它吮吸著花蜜,雙翅顫抖地扇動著,我僵在路上,呆呆地望著。

Daily , i drink the heavenly nectar of life ; daily , i bathe in the river of love 朝朝,天堂的生命瓊漿,供我啜飲暮暮,盈滿的愛力江河,容我沐浴。

Just about an hour after tm took the nectar pills , h is lungs collapsed for the first time 就在tm用完這瓶甘露丸水約1個小時后,他的肺首度衰竭。

Bees communicate newly found flowers with nectar by means of dance and smell 當蜜蜂發現帶花蜜的花時它們用飛舞和散發氣味的方式進行信息傳遞

We hope that more people can come to know master s teachings and taste the heavenly nectar 期盼有更多人知道師父的福音,嘗到天堂的甘露水。

The damsel distracted the asuras , while the devas secretly drank the nectar 正當這個少女使阿修羅心煩意亂的時候,天神們背地里喝了甘露。

After that , everything that enters this pure dimension will become nectar 我們幫忙什么人,應該說供養佛,這樣我們沒有福報也沒有業障。