
necessity n.1.需要,必要性。2.〔常 pl.〕 必需品。3.必...

necessity defence

His historical sweep made necessity appear as the handmaiden of the statesman's perception . 他精通歷史,好象歷史必然性都變成了供這位遠見卓識的政治家差遣的女仆。

There was only one among them whose conduct he could mention without some necessity of defence or palliation . 他們之中只有一個人,其所作所為無需他來辯護和掩飾。

I yielded from necessity to quilp for though necessity has no law, she has her lawyers . 我投降奎爾普原是出于萬不得已,萬不得已雖然沒有法律,卻有她的律師。

The next early morning, he was under the necessity of making his report to the sitting magistrate of the day . 第二天清晨,他有必要向值班市政官提出報告。

Its necessity would appear to be impugned by the view of the dominant school of quantum physicists . 它的必要性似乎被量子物理學家的主要學派的觀點所非難。

The components of solid propellants are of necessity highly reactive and essentially incompatible . 固體推進劑成分必須是很活潑的,基本上是不相容的。

It so happened, however, that the final grim necessity of acting on any such idea was spared him . 不過,碰巧最后他并沒有十分必要實行這種計劃。

The loneliness of women in the country makes them of necessity soft and sentimental . 鄉下婦女的孤寂生涯,使她們必須變得溫存體貼,多愁善感。

The poor were under the necessity of using the mode of conveyance with which nature had provided them . 窮人只好用爹娘給他帶來的交通工具。

The neutrino, although not directly observed, was a theoretical necessity . 當時中微子雖然還沒有直接觀察到,但它的存在有理論上的必然性。

Now he was once again talking about the necessity for sweeping destruction of french industry . 眼下,他又一再談到蕩平法國工業的必要性。

It was impossible for archer to discuss the necessity of may's accompanying her father . 阿切爾不可能去品評梅陪她爸爸有多大的必要性。

One was full of louis's stuff, the other contained her barest necessities . 一只箱子里全是路易斯的東西,另一只裝了她最起碼的必需品。

She kept up a steady chatter which relieved him of any necessity for conversation . 她已經把話都說了,解救了他的無話可說之窘了。

I should like to hear from you that you would understand the necessity for such a step . 我希望得知你會理解這是一個必要的步驟。

No necessity of making a living away from home results in neglect of children . 人們沒有必要離開家園去謀生,而使孩子無人照管。

Import restraints are equivalent to a sales tax and often apply to necessities . 進口限制相當于銷售稅,而且往往是針對必需品。

Cooper's sea stories are sometimes weakened by the necessity for a heroine . 庫珀的海上小說有時因硬加上一個女主角而顯得遜色。

Gradually i began to realize the necessity for a more closely knit organization . 我逐漸認識到有必要建立一個比較嚴密的組織。