
neaten vt.使整潔,使整齊,使干凈〔常與 up 連用〕。


The research on han yu ' s poetry , includes the research on the text such as neatening han yu ' s poetry , selecting and annotating it ; discussing the style and its meaning in the poem history ; the han yu and meng jiao poem school and its poetics ; the reaccept history of the han yu poetry , and the history of the research on han yu ' s poetry , etc 韓愈詩學作為“韓學”的一個重要組成部分,其研究內容相當廣泛,大致包括:韓愈詩集整理、詩歌選注等文本研究,詩歌藝術風格、詩史意義的探討,韓孟詩歌流派及其詩歌理論的探究,韓詩接受史及韓詩學史的研究等方面。

The first aspect is to neaten construction markets : 1 consummate each codex and rule system 2 construct construction markets to push tendering system 3 strengthen management construction units 4 reform and consummate enterprises aptitude management and constitute strict construction markets admittance and eliminating system 5 propagandize and carry out low and code and compulsory criterions to insure project quality 6 work up via competition forming price system and construct assurance system the second aspect is standardization of management of tendering system 工程招標投標是建筑市場發展過程中的產物,是建筑市場準入的許可證,是市場培育和發展的重要環節。要整頓建筑市場主要是要理順管理體制,完善各項法律法規制度和工程建設強制性標準;加快統一建筑市場的建設,加強對建設單位市場主體的管理和規范;建立嚴格的建筑市場準入和清出制度。二是規范我國建設工程招標投標運作機制的研究。

Now that ffos study is about the changes of russian higher educational system , it naturally involves the impact on which the whque traditional culture of russia brings . chapter one explores the inheritance of russian higher educational system tyom its history , main1y the study neatens and abstracts the theories and practices of the two special periods in russian history f the periods of peter i to ekarerina and the period of leninstalin . from the neatening and absttaction , the author tried to sununarize the actuality existed before the changes , e - g 第一章分析俄羅斯高等教育體制變革對歷史的繼承;主要對歷史上“彼得一世?葉卡特琳娜一世”和“列寧?斯大林”這兩個巨變而又富有影響的歷史時期,在發展和改革高等教育的作法與思維方面進行梳理和提煉;從中找出變革高等教育體制前的狀況,如對高等教育實行意識形態控制,對高等教育實行行業部門管理,對高級專門人才的計劃性對口培養,對工科高等教育的政策傾斜等等;這些現象集中反映了國家對高等教育的過分介入。

Lcfd02 series weft feeder is special developed for economic - type rapier looms made in our countrise . it still retains the ex - cellent interval weft neatening mechanical structure applied in lcfd01 series weft storage , and adopts simple electronic switch with high reliability to control the imtermittent running of the motor . it is a good prodoct to improving the performance of econmic rapier looms for its high performance - to - price ratio Lcfd02系列儲緯器是專門為國產經濟性劍桿織機研制生產的,它保留了lcfd01系列儲緯器優良的間隔式排紗機構,采用簡單的高可靠電子開關控制電機間歇運轉,具有性能價格比高的特點,是提高經濟型劍桿織機性能的利器。

I summarize a teaching system named “ four steps , five practices “ on the basis of my many years “ teaching practice and scientific research . the so - called “ four steps “ are : “ using multimedia equipment - to display the observational information ( information input ) - to lead to process the information ( information processing ) - to guide to neaten the information ( information output ) - to instruct the feedback of information ( information feedback ) “ . “ five practices “ include : “ to arouse the related envision , to process the composition material , to describe the concrete image , to amend the composition , to reprocess the composition “ 本人在自己多年的教學實踐和科研成果的基礎上,按照“四步五練”的步驟,所謂“四步” ,是指“多媒體展示觀察信息(信息輸入) ? ?多媒體引導加工信息(信息加工) ? ?多媒體指導整理信息(信息輸出) ? ?多媒體輔導反饋信息(信息反饋) ” ; “五練”是指“喚起相關表象、加工寫作材料、具體形象表述、習作的批改、習作的二次加工” ,構建了一套以現代教育技術為手段,以創新思維能力為橫線,文體寫作知識為縱線的實驗。

The thesis was written based on three purposes : firstly , on the base of systematically neatening , synthesizing and analyzing the present research achievement of this field , putting forward a new and systematic point . secondly , presenting reasonable view that should be hold for our country during the course of property legislation and asset securitization 本文寫作的目的主要是這樣三個: ( 1 )在對已有關于抵押權的附隨性與獨立性問題研究成果進行綜合、梳理、分析的基礎上,從一個新的視角來對抵押權的附隨性和獨立性問題提出自己的見解,以期使這個問題的研究朝著系統化、細致化的方向發展。

It mainly includes : paraphrasing “ reflective design “ neatening rafael moneo ' s thoughts on the essence of architecture exploring rafael moneo ' s architectural design idea - “ reflective design “ , which includes the idea of “ reflective design “ and the contents and methods of reflection exploring the design means of “ reflective design “ detailedly analyzing two representative works of rafael moneo through these explorations it is hoped that this dissertation will inspire the designers to think about the essence of architecture and realize the social responsibility that they are responsible for deeply . at the same time , it is also hoped that in design method it will provide a certain reference on learning architectural design and practice 內容主要包括: ?釋義reflectivedesign ?梳理拉菲爾?莫內歐關于建筑本質的思考?探索“反映的設計”建筑設計思想,其中包括“反映的設計”思想,反映的內容和反映的方法?探索“反映設計”的設計手段?詳細分析拉菲爾?莫內歐的兩個代表作品希望通過以上探索,能夠對設計者深入思考建筑本質內容和深入認識所擔負的社會職責有所啟示,同時為建筑設計的學習與實踐提供一定設計方法上的參考。

The purpose of this disquisition is that classifying architecture according as its configuration , neatening the genres of ancient architecture of china , establishing logical structure and system , cognizing characteristic and configuration of ancient architecture of china 本文的研究目的是,以建筑本身所呈現的結構為分類依據,對中國建筑史上的建筑類型進行全面的梳理,建立起一個合理的層級性框架體系,來全面具體地認識中國建筑類型的表述特征和系統結構。

Because of the data on the geotechnical investigation cost is the basis to evaluate the geotechnical investigation cost , both the government and the parties in construction should attach importance to accumulate , neaten and apply the data on the geotechnical investigation cost 無論是站在政府的角度,還是站在企業的角度,都要重視對勘察造價資料的積累、整理與利用。這是合理確定勘察造價的基礎。

Valuable experience on system construction contract design and transaction organization has been derived through the fathering and neatening to futures markets . the security regulation association has a ev 股指期貨和股票期貨的合約設計,既要借鑒國際經驗,又必須切合我國證券市場實際發展狀況。

Though unaccountable centuries had passed , it is a profound mission to neaten the past 100 years , leaving the offspring a distinctive memory 盡管無數個一百年已遠去,但好好整理剛剛過去的這一百年,交給后人一部分清晰的記憶,卻是一項意義深遠的使命。

Especially in today ' s china , innovation is cried for trust industry after all trust companies had been neatened for 5 times 就目前中國的信托業來說,經過五次行業整頓,要發展壯大,進行信托投資產品創新更成為迫切的需要。

Pang shangpeng who was an economical reformer was famous for pushing yi tiao bian law and neatening liang huai ' s salt law 摘要龐尚鵬,明中葉著名經濟改革家,以推行一條鞭法和清理整頓兩淮鹽法而聞名。

The most part of the operation becomes normative after criterion and neaten . it exerts its function partly 應該注意的是這幾個方面的措施并不是孤立的,而是相互聯系,相輔相成的。

It developed very rapidly at the initial time , but it followed the long road of the criterion and neaten 但隨之而來的卻是漫長的規范整頓之路。

Minister wu ji - chuan pointed out : 5 points on neatening web service providing locations 吳基傳部長提出整頓上網營業服務場所的五點要求

The analyzing of the experience of neatening the local mine synthetically in tangshan 唐山地區鄉鎮小煤礦綜合治理經驗

She began neatening the books in the low bookshelf 她開始整理放在矮書架上的書。