
neat adj.1.干凈的,整潔的;勻整的,端正的。2.(文字)...

neat herd

I received a letter from him in his neat script 我收到了他一封字跡工整的信件。

It looks very nice , neat and clear and soft 它看起來很莊嚴,整潔又清晰且調和。

She went, with her neat figure and her sober womanly step, down the dark street, and he stood looking after her until she turned into one of the small houses . 她順著黑暗的街道走去,顯出俐落勻稱的身材,端莊的女人步伐,他站在那兒看著她,一直等到她轉身走進一座小房里去。

There are inventories of jewels, gold, furs, watches, candlesticks, cameras, fountain pens itemized and priced in neat german . 各種存貨清單上列有首飾、金子、皮貨、手表、燭臺、照相機、自來水筆等,一律用工整的德文逐項列記并標明價格。

He could see his own reflection in the window: a tall man with a neat moustache, wearing a black coat and a bowler hat . 從窗玻璃上他可看到自己的影像:留著整齊的小胡子,高個子,身穿黑色上衣,頭戴圓頂硬禮帽。

The beadle is so careful that two gentlemen not very neat about the cuffs and buttons should see all that is to be seen . 地保對那兩位鈕扣不全、袖口不甚整潔的先生招呼周到,設法讓他們看到一切必須看的東西。

About his dress and his neat figure was that studied ease which lifts men from the ruck of common bridegrooms . 他的服裝和英俊的身材,處處流露著一種故意裝成的翩翩風度,是一種使人覺得高于一般新郎的風度。

I sighed, looking at the glittering diamonds in the store window, the rings and the neat rows of golden watches . 我嘆了口氣,眼望著店鋪櫥窗里那些珠光寶氣的鉆石,那些戒指,還有排得整整齊齊的金表。

I think it's a shame to ruin the understandable elation you must be feeling now after such a neat job in paris . 你在巴黎干得這樣漂亮,此刻心中欣喜如何是可想而知的,我知道不應該來敗了你的興。

I was just wondering whether i should not do well to follow them when up the lane came a neat little landau . 我正在猶豫不決是否應該緊緊尾隨的當兒,忽然地從小巷里來了一輛小巧雅致的四輪馬車。

The negro was an old man with neat grizzled hair, in a linen jacket, who stood barring the door with his body . 那黑人已上了年紀,灰白的頭發梳得整整齊齊,身穿亞麻茄克衫,他用身子堵在門口。

As the schoolmaster had already left his bed and gone out, she bestirred herself to make it neat and comfortable . 因為教師早已起身出門去了,她便自告奮勇地把里面打掃得干干凈凈、舒舒服服。

He had made a toilet of a nicely adjusted kindof a nature between the carefully neat and the carelessly ornate . 他的打扮是經過精心修飾的頗費心計的整潔與漫不經意的華美混然一體。

The early years saw only the manufacture of a neat plaster that was used for internal cladding of walls and ceilings . 頭幾年人們只生產一種用于墻壁和天花板內部裝潢的凈粉飾。

I saw a neat little old woman, with cheeks like apples, toiling away from morning to night . 我仿佛看到了一個干凈利落的小老太太生著紅里透白的面頰,從早到晚手腳不停閑。

The parlour was rather a small room, very plainly furnished, yet comfortable, because clean and neat . 客廳是一間比較小的房間,陳設簡單,但是舒服,因為既干凈又整齊。

Their houses were immaculately neat and tidy, with no pets allowed by order of denis . 他們的家打掃得干干凈凈,布置得有條有理。丹尼斯還規定家里不準養任何愛畜。

Several are better written that o'neill's work, in that the dialogue is neater and more felicitous . 有幾部寫得比奧尼爾的作品好,因為對話寫得比較干凈利落。

On this presumption, she stopped at noon at a neat farm-house, to rest herself . 在這種推測下,到了正午時分,她便在一間整潔的農舍前停下來歇一歇腳。