
navy n.1.〔常 N-〕 海軍。2.〔集合詞〕海軍官兵。3....

navy bean

Radar sets in patrol planes enabled the british and american navies to bring the german submarines under control . 安裝在巡邏飛機上的雷達設備,使英、美海軍得以制服德國潛艇。

The united states navy is investigating the use of fiber optics for communicating with submerged submarines . 美國海軍正在研究如何利用纖維光學同沒入水下的艦艇進行通訊。

He deemed himself the french navy, and the french navy acclaimed him their chief and their reviver . 他認為他自己就是法國海軍,而法國海軍也擁護他為他們的首領和復興者。

President roosevelt was mighty proud when he awarded the navy cross for heroism to his son . 羅斯福總統因他兒子的英雄行為而授給他海軍十字勛章,總統為此感到十分驕傲。

In a number of ways in the next months the united states sought to convey to the peruvian army and navy . 在此后的幾個月里,美國以各種方式設法通知秘魯的陸軍和海軍。

But for these little extras, i suggest that you wait till a navy ship appears again . 至于這些高檔貨嘛,雖說是小意思,可我看你還是等下次海軍來了船再去向他們要吧。

He should have relatives in the army and navy and at least one connection in the diplomatic service . 他們在陸軍海軍中應當有親屬,在外交部門中至少應當有一門親戚。

When young henry came out of the navy to join his grandfather's company, it was in ruins . 當年輕的亨利從海軍回來,加入他祖父的那個公司時,那公司已是一個爛攤子。

They reasoned that the french army and the british navy together would beat german into submission . 一般人以為法國陸軍和英國海軍在聯合作戰上一定可以擊敗德國。

He must either in the navy or army have had a great many people under command of him than he was now . 無論是干海軍還是干陸軍,他手下指揮的人都要比現在多得多。

Walden recalled that churchill, at forty, was very young to be in charge of the entire royal navy . 沃爾登想到邱吉爾才四十歲就統帥整個皇家海軍也是太年輕。

By the close of 1940, the british navy had once more firmly established itself in the mediterranean . 到1940年底,英國的海軍再次穩固地立足于地中海了。

It was the steepest and gravest of gambles with the future of his navy and his country . 這是拿他的海軍和他的祖國的前途所作的最兇險、最嚴重的冒險。

The steady improvements in the royal navy could not now rescue victory from defeat . 皇家海軍的境況在逐漸改善,但這一切都不可能力挽狂瀾,轉敗為勝。

A fifty-foot navy boat was waiting at the dock, its diesel motors running . 一條五十英尺長的海軍用船,這時正等在碼頭上,柴油機已經發動起來了。

The adoption of the war resolution found the american navy ready and eager to join the battle . 參戰決議通過后,美國海軍已有準備,并渴望參戰。

By comparison the navy was a queer little planet whirling in an austere void . 相比之下,海軍像一顆在嚴峻的太空中旋轉的怪誕的小行星。

This was compounded by the doubling and redoubling in the size of armies and navies . 陸軍和海軍兩倍、三倍地擴充規模,更是火上加油。

The war of 1812 likewise found the united states with a weak army and navy . 一八一二年的戰爭發生的時候,美國的陸海軍仍舊都很脆弱。