
navigate vt.1.駕駛(船舶、飛機等);導航。2.(人、船等)航...


When a hyperlink is clicked , it navigates to a url 單擊超鏈接時,將定位到相應的url 。

Event is raised when the user navigates to a new cell 在用戶定位到新單元格時,會引發

Interface to support navigating through the collection 接口,以支持在該集合中導航。

Navigating up and down the folder hierarchy 在文件夾層次結構中向上向下定位

Interface to support navigating through them 接口以支持在這些對象中定位。

In the navigate panel , expand environment 在導航面板中,展開environment 。

Navigate to the folder that contains the reports 定位到包含報表的文件夾。

The following code example demonstrates how to navigate the 下面的代碼示例演示如何將

There are many ways to navigate through a document 在一篇文檔中定位的方法有很多。

Within the administrative console , navigate to the 在管理控制臺中,轉至左側面板中的

To allow filtering , searching , and navigating using a custom 進行篩選、搜索和導航。

Describes techniques for navigating between forms 描述在窗體間導航的方法。

Ancient sailors used to navigate by using the night sky 古時的水手是靠星空來導航的

For example , if you navigate to an image named 例如,如果要定位到images文件夾中名為

Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page 確實要離開該頁嗎?

He was the first man to navigate the atlantic alone 他是第一位單獨橫渡大西洋的人。

Exit edit mode and return to navigating the designer 退出編輯模式并返回到導航設計器

Navigate to the directory your evc project is in 定位到evc項目所在的目錄。

For grids , use the arrow keys to navigate 對于網格,請使用箭頭鍵進行定位。