
naval adj.(有)海軍的;軍艦的;船的。 a naval a...

naval stores

At home we busied ourselves with the expansion of the army and the air force and with all the necessary measures to strengthen our naval power . 在國內方面,我們忙于擴充陸軍和空軍,并且采取一切措施,加強我們的海軍實力。

Meanwhile, achievement of a naval agreement with the united states had become one of the principal objectives of the british foreign office . 當時,同美國締結海軍協議,成為英國外交部主要奮斗目標之一。

Wu wei made his way to the u.s. naval academy, served six years as a naval officer and then put himself through law school . 吳偉終于進了美國海軍軍官學校,在當了六年海軍軍官之后,又在法學院畢了業。

America's naval attache in nazi germany is certainly somebody. you could strike a blow for preparedness, or a two-ocean navy . 駐納粹德國的美國海軍武官當然是個人物,您可以給軍事準備和兩洋艦隊打氣。

United states naval forces allocated to me for the proposed operation were commanded by rear admiral andrew c. bennetl . 美國海軍部隊,為計劃中的行動而撥給我的部隊,是由培納脫海軍少將指揮。

This debut of a major new radio program at the naval base had been stirring the somnolent territory for days . 這個重要的無線電新節目首次在海軍基地播出,幾天來一直轟動著這塊死氣沉沉的土地。

Or you hear about a naval vessel that's up for auction or a vessel that's been confiscated by the customs for smuggling . 或許你會聽說有一條海軍的船要拍賣,或是有一條讓海關沒收的走私船。

Another important brake on progress was the fact that france's only likely naval rival, italy, had no carriers . 影響發展的另外一個重要因素是,法國唯一的潛在對手意大利沒有航空母艦。

In the early fall admire ramsay was relieved by the british chief of staff as the naval commander of the expedition . 秋初,雷姆賽海軍上將被英國參謀總長免去遠征軍海軍總司令之職。

The german naval staff were in hearty accord with all the postponements; indeed, they instigated them . 德國海軍參謀部打心眼里贊成所有這幾次延期;事實上,延期是他們從中慫恿的。

British naval power was temporary and regional and not, as in previous wars, overwhelming . 英國的海軍力量不再象以前戰爭中那樣天下無敵了,它的制海權只是暫時的局限于某些地區。

The end of the war inevitably put the brakes on many promising developments in naval aviation . 大戰結束了,這就不可避免地中斷了海軍航空兵已經取得的一些很有發展前途的進展。

Captain joyce, the american naval attache, a jolly irishman with a knowing eye, asked pamela to dance . 美國海軍武官喬伊斯是個老于世故的,樂呵呵的愛爾蘭人,他請帕米拉跳舞。

When i was naval attache in germany, sir, he happened to use me on jobs involving high security . 長官,我是在德國當海軍武官的時候,他碰巧派我去完成幾項保密性很強的任務。

The brash young first lord of the admiralty, winston churchill showed particular interest in naval aviation . 年青而性情急躁的海軍大臣溫斯頓邱吉爾對海軍航空特別關心。

For the first time ever, the french would concentrate their resources upon a naval and colonial war . 法國人開天辟地頭一次將它全部的力量集中到海戰和殖民地戰爭上去了。

He pushed his black-and-white views of international affairs with bluff naval persistence . 他用海軍軍人那種粗魯頑強的勁頭,硬要別人接受他對國際事務的絕對化見解。

Commander tazewell shepard, the naval aide, gave a report, precise and bleak, on the beachhead . 海軍副官泰茲韋爾謝潑德中校報告了灘頭陣地確實的又不妙的情況。

We then ranged over naval business for two hours with a great measure of agreement . 于是,我們廣泛地研究海軍事務,達兩小時之久,大部分意見都能取得一致。