
nausea n.1.惡心,作嘔,暈船。2.極度厭惡,引起人極度厭惡的...


Any medicine for the nausea 我恐怕不能給你開藥了

Experiencing nausea ; nauseated 感到反胃的;惡心的

Headache , nausea and thirst 感到頭痛,口渴及惡心。

My mother think very the nausea 我的母親認為很嘔心

In general , these include nausea , constipation and dizziness 常見藥物之副作用,包括惡心、便秘、頭暈等。

Nausea , vomiting or diarrhoea 惡心乾嘔嘔吐或腹瀉。

Nausea , gastric distress , vomiting 反胃,胃痛,嘔吐

Develop occasional nausea and vomiting 偶而惡心和嘔吐

Just get a little si , a little nausea 只是會有點惡心

Why should anesthesiologists be concerned about nausea and vomiting 為什么麻醉科醫生必須關注惡心與嘔吐?

Can i have a pill for nausea 能給我一顆治頭暈的藥嗎?

Continuing headache complicated with nausea and vomiting for 2 months 7兩月以來,持續性頭痛伴惡心,嘔吐

In general , these include nausea , constipation and dizziness 常見藥物之副作用,包括惡心便秘頭暈等。

Risk factors and the management for postoperative nausea and vomiting 術后惡心嘔吐的危險因素分析及防治

I ' ve had 20 minutes of severe chest pains , nausea , shortness of breath 我頭暈,惡心,胸悶了20多分鐘

I would imagine that the nausea ' s got worse , you ' re not eating 我可以想象反胃更厲害了,你都無法吃飯

He feels headache nausea and vomiting 他覺得頭痛惡心和想吐

Nausea and intense sweating are also common symptoms 昏或作嘔和劇烈性的流汗也是一般的心臟病征兆。

He feels headache , nausea and vomiting 他覺得頭痛惡心和想吐