
naturalness n.1.自然;當然;純真。2.【無線電】逼真度。


With the analysis of the architecture design of hangzhou xianlin no . 2 center elementary school , the paper expounds the campus creation means of pursuing distinctive buildings with the unification of the environment and the buildings , the whole and the individual , secondly , the design idea at a campus full of naturalness , comfortableness and consecution is discussed 摘要通過對杭州市閑林鎮第二中心小學的建筑設計分析,該文闡述了在由環境到建筑、由整體到個體的統一中,追求單體建筑個性的校園創作思路,并探討了自然、舒展及有條理性的校園設計理念。

In view of major water problems during urbanization in china , the authors discussed the significance of water environment for urban development from the aspects of ecology , landscape and culture , and put forward several primary principles , such as naturalness , diversity , sustainability and systematicness for urban water system restoration 結合我國城市化進程的主要水環境問題,指出在水系建設中重視水環境在生態、景觀、文化等方面的作用對支撐城市發展的意義,并討論了在水系建設重塑環境功能時應考慮的自然性、多樣性、連續性和系統性原則。

Afterl95os , due to the development of quantum electronics , a new embranchment appeared , which is laser physics , it ? also called the physics of quantum transitions because of the emanation of electronic technology . the symbol of laser physics is the noble physics prize in 1964 . the naissance of laser physics is the landmark in the cognition of naturalness 20世紀中葉以后由于量子電子學的發展而出現了一個新的分支,以研究激光物理機制,探索新型激光器,已形成了專門的學科,即激光物理,或因激光發源于電子技術而稱為量子躍遷物理學,它是以1964年的諾貝爾物理學獎為標志的。

Although it is controversial , i think first we need innovation , but it must be based on the through understanding about traditional chinese culture . besides the innovation idea drawn from zhang guying ' s mansion , we think that its design idea has great reference value for contemporary environmental design : simplicity , naturalness and integrity by arranging landscapes set off mutually 張谷英大屋傳統的設計理念還對當代環境設計有很多具體參考意義,本文提到了三點:一、環境藝術設計的方向應該是綠色方向;二、宜簡潔不宜繁瑣;三、因景互借的整體設計觀。

The speed and scale of the machine synthesized speech are adjusted by the basic value of the pitch and duration of syllables corresponding to the tonal template , therefore the naturalness and fluency of the machine synthesized speech are enhanced , i . e . the quality improvement is realized 并通過調模得到相對應的音高和音長的基準值,來調整機器合成語音的語階和語速,從而使機器合成的語音更加自然、流暢,豐富了機器合成語音的表現力,提高了語音合成的質量。

Finally , in order to improve the efficiency and naturalness of man - machine interaction , this dissertation study the 3d man - machine interface of the three - dimensional space interaction technology based on gesture and give a gesture recognition method based on hand model 最后,為提高用戶在虛擬環境中人機交互的效率及自然性,本文研究了基于手勢的三維空間交互技術,給出了一種基于手模型的手勢識別方法。

God is all relaxation , all love and all naturalness . if we re too busy thinking of many other things , our mind can t rest . and that s the reason we have to practice every day to achieve the perfect state of tranquility or samadhi 因為上帝是全然的放松全然的愛全然的自在,如果太忙著想別的事情,我們的心就無法休息,所以我們必須每天練習,才能達到完美的平靜狀態,也就是三摩地。

Management has united , harmonious , ethical characteristics of naturalness and sociability , artificialness and humanness , utilitarian and morality , autonomy and heteronomy , ideality and reality 管理具有自然性與社會性統一,人為性與為人性、功利性與道義性、自律性與他律性、理想性與現實性協調等倫理特性。

Community planning ' s complete road system and green plant distribution is pets ' playing ground ; tall and big arbor and brush bundle bring to people taste of joyful naturalness and impulse 如果社區規劃完整的道路體系與綠植分布,是寵物們的撒嬌場地;如果高大喬木與灌木叢的橫生疊交,是人產生審美愉悅的自然沖動。

March 2 , 2004 four slopes have been selected as the finalists of the best landscaped slope awards scheme for their uniqueness in landscape design , naturalness , and environmental sustainability 4個位于赤柱淺水灣道大潭道及秀茂坪的斜坡,巧妙地結合安全綠化及保育等概念,進身為最佳斜坡美化獎的最后四強。

As a brand new relieving moisturizing nutrient formula , it can produce deep and long - lasting effect on skin by allowing instant absorption , and offer you a sense of freshness and naturalness without feeling sticky 全新緩釋保濕營養配方,可深入持久作用于肌膚,能瞬間吸收,感覺清爽自然,沒有粘著感。

This system can synthesize speech with quite high naturalness and maintain the speaking style of original speaker . so a new method in uighur speech synthesis has been developed 該系統能夠合成具有很高自然度的語音,并且保持了原始發音人的發音風格,從而為維吾爾語語音合成探索出了一條新路徑。

The testing results show that compressed digital images transmitted over low - voltage power lines maintain good quality which has high clarity and naturalness within a certain distant 實驗結果是在某一距離以內,壓縮的數字圖像信號經過低壓電力線路傳輸后質量得到保持,具有較高的清晰度和自然度。

The products are designed to the concept of “ going back to the simplicity and naturalness ” , combining modern life stylr and making effort to permeate ” modem beauty ” into ” classicality ” 產品設計以“返撲歸真”為主要理念,結合現代生活風格、力求做到“古典”之中融合“現代美” 。

Have the horrors of the world war done nothing to open our eyes , so that we still cannot see that the conscious mind is even more devilish and perverse than the naturalness of the unconscious 難道即使世界大戰的恐怖也無法使我們看到,意識心理會比自然的潛意識心理更加邪惡和不義?

Even in european countries where foreign languages are taught with outstanding success , young people go abroad to gain fluency and naturalness in their use of the target language 即使在外語教學非常成功的歐洲,年輕人為了能流利、地道地使用所學語言,也會出國學習。

Because different languages have different abilities of expressiveness , naturalness , and precision , they are suitable for modeling different levels of software requirements 由于每種語言表達能力不同、自然性和精確性各異,因而適用于不同層次的需求建模。

This article studied the double properties , that was naturalness and artificiality , as well as rural landscapes , characterstics of diversity and heterogeneity 研究了農村景觀的雙重屬性,即自然人為性,以及多樣性、異質性特征。

Prosodic prediction , which is a process of prosodic chunking , is one of the major factors for the naturalness of speech synthesis 摘要韻律是影響語音合成自然度的一個重要因素,韻律結構的預測是一個韻律組塊過程。