
naturally adv.1.自然地。2.生來;天然地。3.自自然然,不做...


The phrases of this little lecture came naturally to her lips . 這短短的幾句教條很自然地從她嘴里流露出來。

Mr. hall was naturally an abstemious man indifferent to luxury . 霍爾先生天生是個飲食有度,不愛奢侈的人。

We are naturally drawn to try out the same ideas on electromagnetism . 我們要在電磁學中檢驗同樣的想法。

Naturally he was buffeted about and appeared all things to all men . 他受到各派攻擊,對什么人說什么話。

His naturally even-molded face was set in fine, classic lines . 他天生平整的面龐現出優美、高雅的線條。

The exposed would have been destroyed naturally in a few years . 暴露在外的,幾年之后會自然地毀掉了。

Shopkeeping naturally bulks large among london occupations . 開店鋪在倫敦各職業間,自然顯得重要。

Reproduce naturally in the open rather than under an overstory . 寧在空曠地而不是樹冠下自然繁殖。

Meal from glandless seed is naturally free of gossypol . 來自無腺體棉籽的棉籽粉自然不含有棉籽醇。

Her solitary heart naturally pined for other attachments . 她那顆寂寞的心自然要從別處尋找寄托。

Her instinct in the matter of dress was naturally better . 她在衣著的事情上,天生是眼力過人的。

All her attitudes were naturally grand and majestical . 她的一舉一動都顯得落落大方,雍榮華貴。

We are not naturally bad . 人不是生來壞的。

Darwinism is naturally repugnant to leftwing thought . 達爾文主義同左翼思想自然是格格不入的。

She is naturally musical . 她生來喜歡音樂。

Grace was naturally kind . 格雷絲天性仁慈。

Men naturally receive their fortification from its wisdom . 男人自然會從它的格言中獲得力量。

We shall naturally endeavor to win them to our side . 我們自然要竭力把他們爭取到自己這邊來。

Water naturally flows downhill . 水往低處流。