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natural rock 天然瀝青。

natural science

The goal is to prevent leakage of the waste for many millennia through a combination of engineered barriers ( for example , the waste containers ) and geologic ones ( the natural rock structure where the chamber has been excavated and the favorable characteristics of the hydrogeologic basin ) 這麼做的目標是在數千年內避免廢棄物外? ,辦法是結合工程上特別處理過的圍阻體(例如廢棄物容器)以及地質上的圍阻體(地下開挖出來的空間周圍的自然巖石結構,以及水文地質盆地等一些較有利的條件) 。

Enjoy the beautiful scenery at yeliou , the natural rock shape was made by wind and rain for years . in the afternoon , go to tofu fu street , there is many different kinds of tofu displayed everywhere 早餐后乘專車往電影悲情城市的實景場地九份參觀,這個山城的四季景色及一些古舊遺跡吸引無數游人,還有很多地道特色的小食店。

Not a house like those known to surface dwellers , this abode was carved into the heart of a stalactite , a natural rock formation that hung from the cavern ' s ceiling like an enormous ebony fang 沒有一棟建筑的主人有此威名,這棟建筑由一整塊鐘乳石雕刻而成,一塊天然的石鐘乳成為整棟建筑的天花板,有如檀色的巨大狼牙。

Within massive sandstone outcrops , above comparatively dense forest , are five clusters of natural rock shelters , displaying paintings that appear to date from the mesolithic period right through to the historical period 在密林中大量沙石巖中,有五組天然石窟,里面巖畫的歷史從中石器時代一直延續到文明歷史時代。

Determination of bitumen - content in natural rock - asphalt powders and masitc asphalts with “ kumagawa - asphalt “ method 用熊本瀝青法測定天然巖瀝青粉和砂膠瀝青的瀝青含量

The mountain s volcanic origins have left it with many stunning natural rock formations and unusual volcanic scenery 特殊的火山地形,留下許多懾人特殊的火山景觀。

Specification for mastic asphalt natural rock asphalt fine aggregate for roads and footways 道路與人行道用地瀝青砂膠

Raw , crushed and grinded natural rock asphalts 天然瀝青塊粉末和細粉