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natural history 博物學。

natural law

Bruce stutz is the former editor in chief of natural history magazine and writes most often on science , nature and travel 曾任《自然史》雜志的總編輯,他寫的文章大都與科學、自然與旅游有關。

The delegation of directors from the royal botanic garden kew rbgk , the natural history museum and rbge , along 這些來自英國三大頂尖植物研究機構- -英國皇家植物園- -邱園、英國自然歷史博物館和

One of the largest giant squid ever found was put on display at london ' s natural history museum yesterday 日前,倫敦自然歷史博物館展出了一條世界上最大的魷魚,引起了眾多參觀者極大的興趣。

To the study of natural history the contribution of other people with an interest in nature has always been equally important 對自然歷史研究而言,其他對自然有興趣的人的貢獻總是同等重要。

Arranged in shallow wooden cases , this botanical collection at the harvard museum of natural history is unique 溫室里的新鮮植物或是標本館里的乾燥植物,都比不上這里用玻璃制成的展示花草。

The delegation of directors from the royal botanic garden kew rbgk , the natural history museum and rbge 這些來自英國三大頂尖植物研究機構英國皇家植物園邱園、英國自然歷史博物館和

The nhbs . com is an online bookstore on the natural history , environment and science 描述:該網站是一個強大的在線書店服務網,提供有關自然歷史、環境與自然科學的各領域的書籍。

The winner will have to offer proof that satisfies experts at london ' s natural history museum 獲勝者將被要求向倫敦自然歷史博物館的專家證明,并使其信服尼斯湖水怪確實存在。

Senckenberg museum of natural history , one of the largest natural history museums in the country 帶同您的子女參觀德國首屈一指的自然博物館naturmuseum senckenberg 。

The collection includes natural history from penguins to the extinct giant moa , fish , birds , and insects 收藏自然歷史從企鵝至已絕種之巨大的恐鳥、魚類、鳥類和昆蟲。

Her interest in natural history was confined to observation of the crow ' s feet gathering round her eyes 她對博物學的興趣,只限于觀察聚集在她的眼尾周圍的“鴉爪” 。

The replica of an allosaurus fragilis dinosaur is seen 10 july 2007 at the museum of natural history in berlin 圖為柏林自然歷史博物館10日展示的脆特異龍復制品。

Location : dallas museum of natural history address : 3535 grand avenue city : dallas state : tx zip : 75210 城市以作為弗農山的拷貝的私人的房子為特色僅僅當然更大。

The american museum of natural history has the largest collection of vertebrate fossils in the world 美國自然歷史博物館搜集了全世界最多的脊椎動物化石。

Balzac consciously set himself the task of writing “ the natural history “ of this society 巴爾扎克有意識地給自己規定了為這個社會寫“自然史”的任務。

Discover just how really wild one of our favourite natural history tv presenters is 發現我們喜歡的自然歷史電視節目主持人,其中的一個真的很狂野。

The collection includes natural history specimens , maori artifacts , and social history 收藏品包括自然史標本、毛利族的藝術品和社會歷史。

Brief introduction to beijing museums such as natural history museum , lu xun museum -北京博物館的簡介:國家歷史博物館,魯迅博物館等。

Working out bird migration patterns was one of the triumphs of natural history 找出鳥類遷移規律才是自然學史上無數可嘉可賀的成就之一。