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national psyche 國民心態。

national purse

“ there have been changes in the national psyche , and they are not for the good , “ he says . but now young gates realises that he can be bigger than mere 微軟上周四宣布,從2008年7月開始,董事會主席比爾蓋茨將不再負責公司的日常管理,而把更多時間用于比爾及美琳達蓋茨基金會的全球健康和教育工作。

As much a part of an american summer as ice cream and school vacations , baseball has a grip on the national psyche unrivalled by that of any other sport 盛夏時節,棒球在美國人心目中的地位,足以同冰淇淋和學校暑假媲美,更是其他運動所望塵莫及的。