
national adj.1.民族的;國民的;國家的;國民特有的。2.國家...

national archives

Napoleon, now a national hero, returned in glory to paris . 這時拿破侖,作為民族英雄,凱旋回到巴黎。

And there are those who gnaw away at our national self-respect . 而有些人逐步丟掉了我們國家的尊嚴。

The military exploit had roused a surge of national vitality . 軍隊的成就在全國激起了一片蓬勃朝氣。

The springs of national prosperity soon begin to flow again . 不久,國家的繁榮的源頭又流動起來了。

All those present were standing solemnly when the national anthem was played . 奏國歌時全場肅立。

National day is coming . 國慶即將來臨。

If they want national freedom, of course we sympathise . 如果他們要求民族自由,我們當然是同情的。

Agriculture occupies an important place in the national economy . 農業在國民經濟中占有重要地位。

For every country there is a whole set of national policies . 每一個國家都有一整套全國性的政策。

The dependence of exports on national income is more complex . 出口對國民收入的相依性更為復雜。

This influence often extends far beyond national frontiers . 這種影響經常遠遠超過國家邊境范圍。

National policy should not be determined by outside influence . 國家政策的制定不該受外部影響。

An overriding national goal is the expansion of nuclear power . 國家壓倒一切的目標是發展核電。

She scooped all the national newspapers to get the story . 她搶在全國各報之前發表了這一消息。

Our desired expenditures depend on our national income . 我們所需的支出取決于我們的國民收入。

This gives expression to the national aspirations for reforms . 這反映了全國要求改革的心聲。

National day is drawing near . 國慶即將來臨。

He is the first hero of a recurrent national epic . 他是重現過去的民族史詩的第一位主人公。

It 'll soon be national day . 離國慶節很近了。