
nasty adj.1.臟得怕人的,非常邋遢的;使人不愉快的,卑劣的...


- help me . fiona wants to eat me . - that ' s nasty -救救我。菲奧娜要吃了我-真惡心

I would play nasty to arthur's nice, and tell blunt i had serious doubts about the veracity of his confession . 我唱紅臉,讓阿瑟唱白臉,并且告訴布倫特我對他的交待材料的真實性很有懷疑。

Henry ford, as i would learn first hand, had a nasty habit of getting rid of strong leaders . 我后來親歷其境,知道亨利福特有一個很壞的習慣,就是排斥強有力的領導人。

A couple of times he shot at pug the nasty glare he had first flashed in the leningrad apartment . 他用惡狠狠的眼色朝帕格瞪了兩眼,就象上次他在列寧格勒公寓里那樣。

Returning to his gloomy snowbound field headquarters he had to face some nasty facts . 他回到黑暗陰郁、冰天雪地的戰地司令部里,不得不面對一些棘手的事情。

I know it was necessary to punish the child, but nevertheless it left a nasty taste in my mouth . 我明知有必要懲罰這個孩子,可是我仍然感到懊悔。

More than once i've unearthed a nasty scandalbrought it into the open . 我不止一次地揭發人家的丑事把他們暴露在光天化日之下。

I didn't like the idea of starting to work for a man who was in such a nasty mood . 我真不愿意開始替一個脾氣這么暴躁的人干活。

I received a nasty surprise in the shape of a letter from the taxman . 我收到稅務局的來信,把我嚇得六神無主。

I wouldn't want to be that old. an old man is a nasty thing . 我可不想活到這么老。老年人,邋里邋遢,討人嫌。

If it turns nasty we will shut off communications for a while . 要是鬧得下不了臺,我們就將聯系斷絕一個時候。

The drooping mustache lifts in a nasty sad smile . 只見他那撇朝下的胡髭往上一聳,露出了一副難看的苦笑。

A nasty story might well be winging to pug in hawaii . 這不光彩的事兒只怕已吹到夏威夷的帕格耳朵里去了。

There is nasty spirit . 風氣很糟。

She had turned seriously nasty over a handsome yale boy . 她為了一個漂亮的耶魯大學生真的大鬧了一場。

Where did the leader grub up that nasty bunch of soldiers . 這個頭兒從哪里找來那么一幫惡劣的土兵。

You can be very nasty . 你可能脾氣很壞。

I'll ignore that nasty remark and ask another question . 我姑且放過這句惡毒的話,再提一個問題。

Is a nasty illness . 這是一個很討厭的病。