
nasdaq NASDAQ =National Association...


A nasdaq - style second board , the growth enterprise market was launched in november 1999 創業板在一九九九年十一月推出,是仿照納斯達克股票市場模式設立的第二板市場。

Follow the slump of the nasdaq , it seems the appealing of the capital venture falling into a decline 美國是風險投資的發源地,其歷史可追溯到20世紀的20 ? 30年代。

Nasdaq shall endeavor to offer the information as promptly and accurately as is reasonably practicable 在合理可行的情況下,那斯達克將盡力提供快速和準確的資訊。

Nasdaq said it paid ? 447 . 7m for 38 . 1m shares in lse at ? 11 . 75 a share 納斯達克表示,它以每股11 . 75英鎊的價格購入了倫敦證交所3810萬股股票,總價為4 . 477億英鎊。

Today nasdaq and nasd have separate managements , boards of directors and chairmen 如今,納斯達克與全美證券交易商協會已分離了各自的管理層、董事會和董事長。

A dealer whose job it is to maintain a fair and orderly market on the nasdaq and otc markets 市場創造者在nasdaq和otc市場上維持公平有序市場的交易商。

Since 1991 , the nasdaq index has been rising steadily , hitting a history - ever record high 從1991年以來,納斯達克指數一路穩步攀升,創了歷史最高記錄。

Designs and manufactures high - performance cushion packaging and specialty foam products . nasdaq : ufpt -生產銷售可回收利用的跨世紀的綠色包裝制品。

Unlike other stock exchanges , nasdaq has no central location where trading takes place 與其他證券交易有所不同,納斯達克沒有股票交易的中心交易場所。

Nasdaq , meanwhile , has launched a hostile bid for the london stock exchange ( see article ) 同時,納斯達克工業指數也與倫敦證券交易市場展開競爭。

The dow gained about twenty eight points , the nasdaq closed up more than a half point 道瓊斯指數上漲約二十八點,納斯達克指數閉市時增長半點以上

Nasdaq is the most successful and influential second board among the world 當今世界運作最為成功,影響最為巨大的二板市場是美國nasdaq市場。

The nasdaq composite index saw a gain of more than 500 % from 1995 to early 2000 納斯達克綜指在1995年至2000年初經理了超過500 %的巨大增長。

What unique advantages will the deutsche boerse and nasdaq present to you 您想知道德國證券交易所和美國納斯達克證券交易所的獨特優勢嗎?

Founded in 1992 , the company is headquartered in cambridge , uk and listed on nasdaq 年,總部位于英國劍橋,并于美國納斯達克市場上市。

Nasdaq does not endorse or approve any equipment , vendor , or vendor ' s service 那斯達克不推薦或批準任何設備,販售商,或販售商服務。

In the end , the dow gave back 55 points , while the nasdaq tumbled about 44 最后,道瓊斯指數收復了55點,而納斯達克指數下跌了44點。

What would you do if i told you the nasdaq was going to double by december 如果我告訴你,到了12月,納斯達克將翻倍了,你會怎么辦?

To make sure you have volatility , i would tell the software to find only nasdaq stocks 讓你有波動,我只能告訴軟件找到納斯達克股票