
narrowly adv.1.勉強地,好容易(才)。2.嚴密地,仔細地。3...


In 1995 , voters in quebec narrowly rejected a referendum on secession from canada 1995年,加拿大魁北克省的選民差一點就通過了脫離加拿大的全民* * * 。

Tess , in her start at the words , narrowly missed cutting off a finger with the bill - hook 聽了瑪麗安的話,苔絲有些吃驚,差一點兒沒有割了手指頭。

Cotton : irregular , the cotton index fluctuate narrowly on the liverpool ( england ) market 棉花:漲落不定。在英國利物浦市場上,棉花指數漲落不大。

The directive defined “ savings ” so narrowly that it was easy to find ways around it 那個指令對“儲蓄”定義過窄,以致于總有辦法“繞道而行” 。

Actually , our price is already narrowly calculated and it leaves us only a small profit margin 事實上,我們的價格是經過精確計算的,嫌頭很小。

While his wife was speaking , villefort had narrowly watched the old man s countenance 在他的妻子講話的過程中,維爾福仔細打量著那老人的臉。

I threw a row of arrows , which narrowly passed the narrow - minded man ' s eyebrows 我投擲了一排箭,勉強地(精細地)通過了小心眼的男人的眉毛。

Actually , our price is already narrowly calculated and it leaves us only small profit margin 事實上,我們的價格是精確計算過的,賺頭很少。

Two motorists stopped head - on on a bridge too narrowly for their cars to pass 兩個司機在一座橋上面對面停下來,橋太窄了,誰也過不去。

Share prices fluctuated narrowly in surprisingly this trading volume after the long holiday 長假過后,股價小輻波動,交易量小的驚人。

Our price is already narrowly calculated and it leaves ur only a small profit margin 我們的價格是經過仔細計算的,并不是漫開要價。

We won narrowly 我們僅是險勝

And then the notion of what constitutes women ' s work became more narrowly cast 于是,關于女性工作角色的觀念,也就變得益加狹隘。

I threw a row of arrows , which narrowly passed the narrow - minded man ' s eyebrows 我擲了一排箭,箭緊擦心胸狹窄的人的眉毛而過。

The roman club is trying to bounce back after narrowly escaping bankruptcy last year 這家羅馬的俱樂部去年勉強免于破產危機。

I threw a row of arrows , which narrowly passed the narrow - minded man ' s eyebrows 我投一排箭,這勉強通過心胸狹窄的人的眉。

Gore narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election to george w . bush 戈爾在2000年總統大選中以細微的差別輸給了布什總統。

Gore narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election to george w . bush 戈爾在2000年總統大選時以微弱票數輸給了布什總統。

Gore narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election to george w . bush 戈爾在2000年總體競選中以微弱劣勢輸給了小布什。