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narrow minded adj.氣量小的,心眼兒窄的;極端保守的;思想僵化的。


In china , culture poverty in the impoverished and backward areas mainly includes such features as poor knowledge , large population of illiterates and semi literates , low desire for knowledge , being conservative , getting accustomed to out - dated life style , low interest and enthusiasm in labor and production , passive attitude of reliance on others , lack of ideal and aspiration , lack of entertainment equipment and living a dull life . it is common for our people to have out - dated ideas and narrow minds . they tend to be low , timid and loose 在中國現階段,貧困落后地區的文化貧困主要表現為:知識貧困,文盲半文盲人口多,人們求知欲低;思維遲鈍,思想保守,習慣于舊式生活方式;生產興趣弱化,勞動積極性不高,等待、依賴心理較為明顯;精神空虛,得過且過,缺乏理想和追求,沒有進取精神;文化娛樂設施嚴重缺乏,生活單調;價值觀念陳舊,觀念更新極慢:情緒低落,自卑感強,行為松散。

As for the idea of concealing ( our ) capabilities and avoid the lime light and that of striving to make achievements , we do researches in order to get rid of our narrow minded and unreasonable ideas and be clearly aware that with our own existing strength , we can avoid establishing the hostile relationship , and that we never give up the present benefits in order to obtain the future and distant benefits and ensure the established peace and development policy 對于“韜光養晦、有所作為”戰略思想研究的目的在于厘清我們頭腦中依舊存在的狹隘和不理智,以便能更清醒地認識到:憑借中國現有的實力,不要強出頭,以免樹敵太多;為了將來的長遠利益,不惜放棄眼前的利益,以保證和平發展既定方針的重要意義。

In america , there are some very remote areas that there is only white people live there such as some small towns in the mid - west , and usually the people living in those places are very narrow minded and very nationalism , or to say , very patriotic 在美國,有一些非常偏遠的地區,那里只有白人居住,例如一些在中西部的小鎮,通常居住在那里的人都有一些狹隘的民族主義,或者說,非常愛國。

People around here can be a bit narrow minded 附近的人有點小心眼