
nares n.〔pl.〕 (sing. naris ) 鼻孔。


And now we can undertake many nasal endoscopies surgery , such as nasal hemostasia , healing of nasal leaking of central spine fluid ( csf ) , plastid of atresia of posterior naris , depression of optic nerve , excision of nasal or sinus tumor , functional endoscopy sinus surgery , combined surgery of anterior basilar tumor etc 目前我科已進開展了鼻內窺鏡下鼻腔止血、腦脊液鼻漏的修補、后鼻孔閉鎖成形術、視神經減壓、鼻腔鼻竇良惡性腫瘤切除、鼻竇炎鼻息肉切除、 、前顱底腫瘤的聯合手術等手術

What is the appropriate distance from the teeth to the tip of an endotracheal tube ? from the nares to the tip for a nasal intubation 牙齒到氣管導管頭端的核實距離為多少?鼻插管時鼻孔到導管尖端的距離有多少?

There was flaring of the nares . 有鼻翼扇動。