
nara n.奈良〔日本城市〕。


The department store down the street from me in nara abruptly closed last week ? and the construction workers dismantling it seemed happy not to be in the position of the salarymen they hear about who get up every morning , go to the park in coat - and - tie and return home at 7 p . m . to a family that doesn ' t know daddy has been laid off 上個禮拜,我奈良住所附近有一家百貨商店突然關門了-負責拆遷的建筑工人們似乎很開心,因為他們和那所商店的雇員處境可不同,聽說有些雇員仍然每天早起,衣冠楚楚地走進公園,晃到下午7點才回家,而他的家人們還不知道他已經被解雇了。

Since its founding , the theater has staged some 200 plays and dozens of one act plays , such as “ li shuangshuang “ , “ hani girls “ , “ green house “ , “ family “ , “ guan hanqing “ , “ ode to youth “ . as for foreign plays , the theater has “ how the steel was tempered “ , “ inspector - general “ , “ julius fucik “ , “ uncle vanya “ , “ nara “ , “ sakuntala “ , “ love and intrigue “ , etc 青藝幾代藝術家夢寐以求的是,將劇院建成一個深刻地認識和理解自己的時代、關懷祖國和人民的命運、深刻地剖析人物心靈、揭示無限豐富和深邃的人的精神生活的當代人劇院。

Pending , which is effective as an animal invasion prevention system . we used farm defense on a trial basis for two years in four locations in nara prefecture in nara city , haibara town yamazoe village and muroo village and also in three locations in kozakawa town in wakayama prefecture 使用農場防御器守護農田的2年間,在奈良縣內的4個市町村奈良市,榛原町,山添村,室生村和歌山縣古座川町的3個地方進行了使用,結果都沒有遭受災害。

Travel to nara , the former feudal capital of japan and home to some of the finest examples of ancient art and architecture in the country . visit the todaiji temple , deer park and the ancient osaka castle 平安神宮,以堅固紅木建造,門前一座日本最大的鳥居古都奈良,游東大寺,瞻仰日本最大的青銅大佛神鹿公園里,梅花鹿毫不畏生,睜著溫馴的大眼,四處漫步,游客們爭相喂食粟米。

11 moghaddam b , wahid w , pentland a . beyond eigenfaces : probabilistic matching for face recognition . in proc . the ieee international conference on automatic face and gesture recognition , nara , japan , 1998 , pp . 30 - 35 由于多本征空間multiple eigenspaces比單一的本征空間具有更強的描述能力,因此近年來在人臉識別的相關研究中受到了廣泛關注。

We will visit the old capital of kyoto , sightseeing includes the ori - heian shrine and ori - shimieu temple . continue to nara in the afternoon for sightseeing including the todaiji temple and deer park 今日前往日本千年古都觀光市,內有許多保存完好的神社寺院荷花園,其中包括參觀1633年興建的清水寺和平安神宮。

For example , the kamakura buddha in japan and the great buddha of nara ; a 27 meter tall amitabha buddha in hong kong ; a 26 - meter tall maitreya buddha statue in beijing and our very own kuan yin statue in penang 比如日本的大日如來佛香港27米高的阿彌陀佛北京26米高的彌勒佛又稱未來佛以及在檳城的觀音塑像。

Ethnic composition : ethnic tigrays - 50 % ; tigre and kunama - 40 % ; afar - 4 % ; saho ( red sea coast dwellers ) - 3 % ; other ( headareb , bilen , nara , rasgaida , etc ) - 3 % 民族: 50提格里亞族、 40提格雷和庫納馬族、 4阿法爾族、 3薩霍族(紅海沿岸居民) 、 3其他民族(希達雷伯、比倫、納拉、拉沙伊達等) 。

With the arrival of buddhism came the use of indigo ( for blues ) and safflower ( for reds ) , and techniques were firmly established during the nara and heian periods 隨著佛教藍花與紅花也一起傳入日本,作為技術在奈良平安時代被確立起來。江戶時代以江戶染為代表的印染技術在普通百姓之間廣泛盛行。

As chairman devyln kindly introduced me , i am noboru okubo , governor of district 2650 . my district in japan coves four of the prefecture of central japan ? kyoto , fukui , shiga and nara 謝謝戴甫靈主委的介紹,我是第2650地區的總監大久保升。我負責的地區包括日本的京都,福井,滋賀,和奈良4個縣。

Nara is considered one of the most essential contemporary pop artist of japan , whose works are exhibited in galleries and exhibitions of an international scale 奈良美智被視為最重要的日本現代流行藝術家之一,其作品曾在全世界的畫廊和展覽中展出。

Best known as the korean version of miriam yeung to hong kong audience , korean new face jang nara enjoys a successful tv acting and singing career at a really young age 憑著電視劇集的成功,新進藝人張娜拉順勢跳上大銀幕,演出首部電影《 oh

Currently active contemporary artists such as michi nara , takashi murakami , and miwa yanagi are the previous prizewinners of this exhibition 過去曾有奈良美智、村上隆、 yanagimiwa等現代藝術家獲獎,如今仍可以看到他們活躍的身影。

Lead male park jung - chul has done a nice job , but there is no way for him to steal the spotlight from the dazzling jang nara 男主角parkjung - chul外型不俗,但和魅力四射的鋒頭躉張娜拉同場較技,難免失色。

During the period of nara , the style imitating the one of the jin and tang dynasty began to prevail in japan 王羲之等的書體由那些來唐朝學習的遣唐使帶回日本,當時最著名的有最澄、空海、橘逸勢等。

Among most of the korean actresses nowadays , jang nara belongs to the minority ( along with kim ha - neul as in 而且,尾段hee - jee的布局不正是她處于強勢的主導地位,一再愚弄hyun - jun的終極例證嗎?

Among most of the korean actresses nowadays , jang nara belongs to the minority along with kim ha - neul as in 而且,尾段hee - jee的布局不正是她處于強勢的主導地位,一再愚弄hyun - jun的終極例證嗎?

Anyone over the age of 14 with valid identification can conduct research in any of the nara facilities 任何年滿14周歲、持有有效身份證件的人都能在國家檔案和文件管理局的所有機構進行其研究。

Madam heitianmuzi , the vice - director the former director of community development cen - ter , nara city , japan 黑田睦子(女士)日本奈良市(社區發展)中心副理事長(前理事長)