
nankin n.1.(耐穿的)本色布〔原產我國南京〕;〔pl.〕 本...


The traveller , now clothed in a shabby nankin - covered sheepskin coat with felt highboots on his thin bony legs , sat down on the sofa , and leaning on its back his close - cropped head , which was very large and broad across the temples , he glanced at bezuhov 過路客人還披著一件破舊的南京土布吊面的皮襖,瘦骨嶙峋的腳上穿著一雙氈靴,他在沙發上坐下來,把那兩鬢寬闊的留有短發的碩大的腦袋靠在沙發背上,朝別祖霍夫瞥了一眼。

Hong kong is an island which came into the pas session of the english by the treaty of nankin , after the war of 1842 ; and the colonizing genius of the english has created upon it an important city and an excellent port 香港不過是一個小島, 1842年鴉片戰爭之后簽訂了南京條約,這個小島就被英國占領了。沒用幾年英國以其殖民者的才能就把這里建成了一座大城市和一個海港維多利亞港。