
nama n.1.那馬部族〔西南非洲霍屯督族中的一主要部落〕。2....


In this paper , it is the first time to publish four pieces fragments of arya - aparmanitayurjnana - nama - mahayana sutra in ancient uygur , discovered in the northern divison of mogaoku cave in dunhuang . based on the transcription in chinese , the author puts forward his opinion on the problems on the edition , the way and the year of the translation of the buddhist sutra 本文首次刊布敦煌莫高窟北區出土的四件回鶻文《大乘無量壽經》殘頁,對回鶻文原文進行拉丁字母轉寫、漢譯和注釋,附漢文原文,并對殘頁的成書年代、版本和翻譯方式等問題提出自己的看法。

Cells only the chromatin or chromosomes are heavily stained , the other components are bleached . after the chromosomes are stained by nama - ur , we have observed that the highest order structure of chromosomes is helical ; while the secondary structure is radically folding . the dna fibres with a diameter of 2530 nm have radically folded into chromatid fibres in a diameter of approximately 250 nm 染色體經dna特異染色后,觀察到其最高層次結構是螺旋的,而次級結構存在著放射環結構,即由直徑為2530 nm的dna纖絲放射狀折疊排列成約250 nm左右的染色單體絲染色單體絲進一步螺旋形成中期染色體結構。

All information must be completed in english , except the chinese nama of your organisation / company 除公司中文名稱外,所有資料請用英文填寫。

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