
nafta NAFTA =North American Free T...


This dissertation stresses the nafta financial service provisions on the non - discriminatory rule and the market access rule , participating to have a thorough understanding to nafta financial service provisions and to provide some instructive suggestion to the consummating of fsa in wto 文章通過理論與實際相結合的方法重點研究nafta金融服務條款中的非歧視規則和市場準入制度,以期對nafta金融服務條款有一全面透徹的了解,為fsa的進一步完善提供建設性意見。

The more than 200 trade agreements that we have concluded over the last four years - including nafta and the uruguay round of gatt - have opened more markets than ever before to our products , created almost one - and - a - half million export - related jobs , and made our country the world s number one exporter again 此外,一些東協國家在一九九0至九一年波斯灣戰爭時期曾全力配合,準許美軍于前往中東途中經過東協地區。也有許多國家對維護國際和平有重大的貢獻。

The dissertation delves the valuation goals of nafta financial service provisions first , hoping to catch an implicit view of the aimed - policies of each party . it then analyzes the non - discriminatory rule as the foundation of the nafta financial service provisions 文章首先研究了nafta金融服務條款的價值目標,以期對美、加、墨三國在金融服務條款上所追求的并不一致的政策目標有個簡要而明晰的認識;接著重點研究作為nafta金融服務條款基石的非歧視規則。

The legal systems of wto , european union , nafta , asean used for reference , the thesis attempts to put forward some suggestion on future legal construction based on current regulations of cepa . the thesis consists of six chapters 在歐洲,有世界上經濟一體化程度最高的區域性經濟組織? ?歐盟,成員已達25國,地域已擴至中東歐,具有歷史意義的歐盟憲法的產生,表明歐盟正在向更加高度一體化的方向發展。

It will be the third largest fta in the world , after the eu and nafta . cafta , a regional organization consisting mainly of developing countries ( except singapore ) , will be the first regional economic organization that china joins formally 將有利于中國和東盟各自的經濟發展、有利于擴大雙方貿易和經濟合作規模、提高本地區經濟的整體競爭能力,以共同應對經濟全球化和區域經濟一體化的挑戰。

In this paper , i will expound the tariff system of nafta and its application and effectiveness , assay chinese importation and exportation with north american in recent years , and analyze chinese legal countermeasures against the tariff system of nafta 本文通過闡述、分析naftz的關稅制度及其實施和成效,結合中國對北美進出口貿易量近年的變化,研究中國應對nafta關稅制度的法律對策

In the nafta - created nadbank , the u . s . successfully won agreement from its nafta partner mexico in 1996 that its guidelines require companies to certify that they have not engaged in bribery of foreign or domestic officials in projects funded by nadbank 在那次于華盛頓州舉行的歷史性會議,從中國到印尼到汶萊的領袖,都擁護一個共享實力、繁榮與和平的亞太共同體的共同遠景。

Laying the groundwork for addressing new trade issues , such as overseas bribery intended to win commercial contracts . this has become a major campaign , in the un , in the oas and nafta , in other regional and global trade conferences , such as the wto 該局于一九九四年八月發布的研擬新規定的事前通知中,宣布正考慮要為美國許多其他的食品供應業研擬危害分析重要管制點規定。

My purpose of this part is to have my readers get at nafta and naftz and to prepare for the following discussion about the tariffs of the agreement and analysis of chinese legal countermeasures against tariff system of the agreement 主要是讓讀者了解nafta和naftz ,也給下文論述協定的關稅制度及研究中國應對nafta關稅制度的法律對策打下基礎。第二部分, nafta的關稅條款。

In addition to pdf format , the following four forms are also available for all countries to complete online : shipping invoice , u . s . shipper s export declaration , u . s . certificate of origin and nafta certificate of origin 除了pdf格式的表格,以下四種表格還對所有國家或地區提供網上填寫:托運發貨單美國寄件人的出口申報表美國產地證明和nafta產地證明。

“ hard stones from another mountain can carve jade “ , the way the us uses the institutional framework of nafta to pursue regional economic cooperation and implement its diplomatic policy deserves to be studied and referred to “它山之石,可以攻玉” ,美國運用nafta這種制度性的框架來開展區域經濟合作、貫徹外交政策的做法是值得研究和借鑒的。

The middle east peace process was stalemated ; negotiations were stymied . repression in haiti was pushing refugees to our shores . nafta s passage was in serious doubt , threatening our relations with the entire hemisphere 而所有盡力而為的人都受到尊敬,就像我們看到馬拉松長跑中,自愿工作人員為最后到達終點、勇敢而受傷的跑者開路一般。

More recently , this kind of support undergirded our efforts to advance our interests by passing nafta and gatt , promoting both reform in the former soviet union and the middle east peace process 正如賈古瑪外長所說:美國一直是亞太地區任何和平、安定及經濟成長新架構中一項不可或缺的因素。

This will take place of parts of non - members “ market in north america undoubtedly and also bring about effect and impact on our chinese trade with north america 加拿大的商品有86 . 6出口到nafta締約國。這些無疑會搶去北美以外地區在區內的市場份額,給我國對北美貿易也帶來了影響和沖擊。

While the nafta drew attention to the trade and environment issue , a 1991 gatt dispute panel decision on us - mexico tuna trade turned interest into fury 當nafta造成了對貿易和環境問題的注意,關于美國與墨西哥鮪魚之貿易,一個由1991gatt組成的爭執專題研究小組的決定把興趣變成憤怒。

The administration completed the largest trade agreement in history , the uruguay round , and the largest regional pact in history , nafta 保羅指出,進口這類貨品的美國經銷商,都很清楚自己買的是什么。

Www marketplace of the chemical and other industries with suppliers and products in nafta , latinamerica and other countries 化學品和其它工業的網路商業中心,供應產品于nafta 、拉丁美洲與其它的國家。

The foundation and the core of the financial service provisions of nafta are the rule of non - discriminatory and the rule of market access Nafta金融服務條款基石與核心是非歧視待遇與市場準入。

Chapter v introduces the example of reconcile trade with environment as a result of territorial cooperation : eu and nafta 第五章介紹了環境與貿易相協調的國家間區域間合作典范,即eu和nafta 。