
mystique n.神秘性,神秘氣氛;不可言傳的性質;(技藝的)秘訣。


He teams up with bigger companies like those mentioned above , obtaining support that ranges from financial to exhibition . because of his reputation and his charisma - liu maintains that tsui carefully cultivates his image to enhance his mystique , including bragging about his ability to work without sleep , keeping a goatie and always wearing shades 他還擁有創作上的控制權,原因在于他的聲譽,也在于他的魅力據劉大木說,徐克很會營造自己的神秘形象,表現不用睡覺的工作能力,并戴上墨鏡蓄羊咩須。

In 1963 , betty friedan , who was called “ mother of the second feminist movement “ , published “ feminism mystique “ in the book , she exposed the indescribable misery suffered by millions of american women , claiming that women should breach the limitation of traditional roles and strive for their status in society and family 1963年,被稱為第二次女權運動之母的貝蒂?弗里丹出版了《女性的奧秘》 ,她在書中揭露了在“女性的奧秘”所籠罩下千百萬美國家庭婦女的無名痛苦,主張婦女突破傳統角色的局限,爭取自己在社會、家庭中的地位。

The responsibility to uphold the reputation can be burdensome . the rangers ' mystique is often compared to that of the quarry . canadian mounted police . rangers are expected to get their quarry . they are characterized as rugged , individualistic and fearless 維持這個榮譽的責任沉重。騎警的神秘感常被拿來與加拿大皇家騎警相較。民眾寄望騎警能夠逮捕罪犯。他們被形容為吃苦耐勞、具有個人特質,而且無畏無恐。

“ we take extreme care to protect indian artifacts and archaeological finds , “ he said , noting that the discovery “ adds a little more mystique to the everglades . “ the everglades project is attempting to restore natural water flows to the environmentally sensitive wetlands 他說,該管理局對于出土的古器物等考古發現向來都非常用心地加以保護而這一發現也為埃弗格來茲沼澤地增加了更多的神秘色彩。

This works on view , in under the god idea function , manifests the primitive thought the mystique , infiltrates the nature mutually , symbolic and so on , its language has succinct , the direct sense impression , iconicity and so the image of the original language features 在神靈觀念的作用下,這部作品體現出原始思維的神秘性、互滲性、象征性等,其語言具有簡潔性、直感性、形象性等原始語言的特征。

While rivera said the feelings around the 2007 yankees don ' t compare with those felt during the dynasty era - - “ i don ' t want to say it feels like that because it doesn ' t , “ he said - - the mystique , once again , might be alive “即使是比賽時我們暫居落后,我們相信我們始終有機會能贏得比賽”燈泡先生說“那是最重要的,你感覺到無論如何只要和這樣的球隊及打線,都是有機會的。 ”

Academic research is also breaking down the mystique of hedge - fund managers and suggesting that it may be possible to replicate their returns using low - cost strategies in the futures markets 學術研究也在打破基金經理人創造的神話,認為在將來的市場上,基金有可能采用低成本的策略來炮制高額回報。

Built for an initial cost of 21 , 000 dollars , the remaining white letters have since become an international symbol for the mystique of hollywood and film - making 這個標志建造初期的成本只有2 . 1萬美元,而如今它們已經成為一個國際性的標志,標志著好萊塢和電影制作的奧妙。

The mystique surrounding those wearing black piping from collar to cleat seems to be back , especially after the yankees beat the diamondbacks , 4 - 1 , for their seventh straight win 這個從頭到尾圍繞著條紋衣的力量似乎重新回來,特別在今天4 - 1 ,洋基擊敗響尾蛇七連勝之后

Interview with the vampire . anne rice . the novel that took the gothic mystique of the vampire into the nights of modern san francisco 《夜訪吸血鬼》 (奇幻) ? ?安妮?賴斯將有關吸血鬼的哥德式的神秘帶進現代舊金山的夜晚的小說。

Diana , princess of wales had everything : genetic perfection , model dimensions , royal connections and the mystique of a silent - movie star 戴安娜,威爾斯王妃,具備了這一切:天生麗質,模特兒身段,王室身份及默劇明星般的神?

In 1963 , betty friedan had published the femiwine mystique , a declaration of war on “ the second - class citizenship of women . 一九六三年,貝蒂?弗里丹發表了《女性的神話》一書,這是向“婦女的二等公民地位”宣戰的聲明。

Cabalist studies in the hebrew scriptures developed in a theosophical mystique and sometimes in a sort of unintended religious magic 對希伯來經文中喀巴拉的研究發展成一種見神論的秘法,有時是一種無意識的宗教魔法。

Interview with the vampire . anne rice . the novel that took the gothic mystique of the vampire into the nights of modern san francisco 將有關吸血鬼的哥德式的神秘帶進現代舊金山的夜晚的小說。

The fifth solo exhibition of the discrete charm of urban artists series is the glass art exhibition mystique by janice yeung 真心呈獻系列之五呈獻的是楊燕玲玻璃作品展《野深》 。

This is the mystique that has poisoned the pages of history on which the name of mary todd lincoln appears 正是這種神秘性毒害了載有瑪麗?托德?林肯的名字的史冊。

The “ mystique ” that has allowed america to borrow lavishly and cheaply has suffered a blow 美國人那種能夠毫無顧忌借款并便宜借款的“魅力”被破壞了。

The fifth solo exhibition of the discrete charm of urban artists series is mystique by janice yeung 真心呈獻系列之五呈獻的是楊燕玲作品展《野深》 。

Mystique has discovered plans of a base that stryker ' s been operating out of for decades 變色龍發現了史崔克建立基地的藍圖.那里已經運行幾十年了