
myocarditis n.【醫學】心肌炎。


Thirty cases of viral myocarditis treated by zhi gancao tang and gualou xiebai baijiu tang 炙甘草湯合瓜蔞薤白白酒湯治療病毒性心肌炎30例

Clinical study on fufang sishen decoction in treating arrhythmia after virus myocarditis 復方四參飲治療病毒性心肌炎后心律失常的臨床研究

Therapeutic effect of treatment of experimental viral myocarditis with buzhong yiqi decoction 補中益氣湯治療實驗性病毒性心肌炎療效觀察

Clinical observation on treatment of viral myocarditis with acupoint - application of chinese drugs 中藥穴位敷貼治療病毒性心肌炎臨床觀察

Study on changes of serum tnf - jl - 6 and ifn - in viral myocarditis and effect of shenbai oral liquor 的變化及參白口服液防治作用的研究

Sixty eight cases of viral myocarditis treated by traditional chinese combined with western medicine 中西醫結合治療病毒性心肌炎68例

Myocardium radioisotope scanning with 99m tc - mibi in the diagnosis of myocarditis 甲氧基異丁基異晴心肌平面顯像對心肌炎的診斷價值

Cao hongxin ' s experience in treatment of viral myocarditis with xue fu zhu yu decoction 曹洪欣運用血府逐瘀湯治療病毒性心肌炎經驗

Application value of dynamic electrocardiography for viral myocarditis in children 動態心電圖在兒童病毒性心肌炎診斷中的應用價值

Therapeutic effect of garlic polysaccharide on coxsackie b3 viral myocarditis in mice 大蒜多糖對小鼠病毒性心肌炎的治療作用

Treatment of 90 cases of adult viral myocarditis with astragalus and ginseng decoction 黃芪人參湯治療成人病毒性心肌炎90例

Athlete ' s viral myocarditis relates to the imbalance of immune function 摘要運動員患病毒性心肌炎與機體免疫功能失調有關。

Thearapeutic study obout yangxin huoxue soup on treating chronic virulent myocarditis 養心活血湯治療病毒性心肌炎療效觀察

Decoction of astragalus and licorice in treating 32 cases of acute viral myocarditis 黃芪甘草煎治療急性病毒性心肌炎32例

Treatment of 68 cases of intractable premature beat following viral myocarditis 復律湯治療病毒性心肌炎后頑固性早搏68例

The pick of professor yang peijun ' s experience in ttreatments of viral myocarditis 楊培君教授治療病毒性心肌炎經驗擷菁

The effect of garlic polysaccharide on coxsackie b3 viral myocarditis in mice 大蒜多糖對病毒性心肌炎小鼠心肌酶的影響

Clinical study on combined therapy of tcm and wm on actue viral myocarditis 集裝箱碼頭交通運輸組織建模及仿真技術研究

Effect and mechanism of mice viral myocarditis treated by panax quinquefolium 西洋參對小鼠病毒性心肌炎的療效及機制