
mycology n.真菌學,霉菌學。n.-gist


His observations of fungi in their natural habitat and his methods of culturing them enabled him to work out their developemt and life cycles , thus laying down the foundations of modern mycology 他在真菌的天然棲息地觀察真菌,并通過培養真菌的方法來獲得有關它們發育和生活史的相關知識,繼而建立了現代真菌學的基礎。

Universal decimal classification - english full edition - industrial microbiology - industrial mycology - fermentation industry - beverage industry - stimulant industry 國際十進分類法.英文版.工業微生物學.工業真菌學.發酵業.飲料業.煙酒業

Unknown to him , a spore of a rare variant called penicillium notatum had drifted in from a mycology lab one floor below 佛萊明還不認識這種叫做青霉菌屬的孢子稀有種,從地下室一樓的真菌室四處吹積成堆。

Cherishing the memory of professor chiu wei - fan and his great contribution to mycology 緬懷裘維蕃教授對菌物學的貢獻

Teaching practice and thinking of mycology 真菌學教學實踐與構想

2 . mycology and parasitology laboratory 2 .真菌學及寄生蟲學實驗室